The Talent Tank

SP 17 Benchracing 2021 U4 Tear Down in Tennessee from Adventure Offroad Park

Wyatt Pemberton Episode 67

A play on the triumph and losses in performance and life.  The Talent Tank podcast will navigate the inner workings of lifestyle, lives, family, teams, careers, programs, and technology in and around the offroad motorsports industry.  What breeds success with your Talent Tank on full, failures when its on empty.  From the journey to the Starting Line to take that Green Flag, on to exploring trials and tribulations on and off the track in pursuit of victorious achievement and the Checkered Flag.

The Talent Tank presents Benchracing 2021 ULTRA4 Racing  Tear Down in Tennessee from Adventure Offroad Park in South Pittsburg, Tennessee.  Host Wyatt Pemberton @555race is joined by Associate Producer and Clubhouse Moderator Shannon Welch @theshannonwelch and an Offroad Racing Panel of racers and enthusiast.   

On this Special Episode:
We head to Clubhouse for benchracing this upcoming Ultra4 Racing event from insider course info, to the panelists picks by class.

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Let's drop the green flag on this episode of the talent tank podcast with your host Wyatt Pemberton bringing you the best, fastest, most knowledgeable personalities in Ultra4 and off road racing.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Alright, alright, alright. Alright, here we go. This is gonna be Ben tracing the Ultra4 racing Alp ra e in South Pittsburg, Te nessee. We're gonna we're go na get into it right now. Ma be maybe starting. Everyone's st rting a little bit late to ight. Normally there's a much la ger crowd in the audience. Bu with that being summer and th sun's still up, but it was ev n hard to get myself mo ivated for this the Shannon Th nks for getting things going, To d for moderating Bailey Cole up and Jonathan Taylor, who's in th audience. I got off the ph ne with JT Taylor. Oh, pr bably 45 minutes ago and then mi es about 30 minutes ago so I' e got some pretty good late up to data information and we'll ju t kind of roll into it guys if you haven't listened to this be ore you know this first hour is recorded we've recorded for th bank will record for an hour in an hour from now we'll turn th recorder off and and just ha e an open dialogue. Anything yo guys want to air and discuss an chat and been traced back an forth that you didn't want to talk about online or offline or whatever that is, and then we ll go from there. And then th s episode will be available in the morning for everybody ei her driving to Alp, he kind of the latest and greatest, you kn w, the ESPN Sports Center pr view, ultra4 racing event that' gonna go on this weekend in Te nessee. All right, I'm gonna launch into it. So you're alway the housekeeping. We'll go th ough the offer for sched le and kind of sum things up to date. We'll talk about some ast races that just recen ly happened that we haven t had a chance to talk about and then we'll launch into iscussing this one. So right off the bat this weekend, June 5 weekend, Alp Tennessee, but l oking forward to the ultra4 sche ule or at least where you can r n ultra4. I didn't put the NorCal scheduling on this but Ju y 16 through 25th you've got the visions race and j Oklahoma. Th t's not an ultra4 race. It's no for points race but a lot of ultra4 cars have been invited. D vid sent out an email maybe a month ago about they started s me spots available. I believe ultra4 will be running on Friday the 23rd if you guys haven't hecked out that facility their m d America offered part. It s absolutely amazing. JT Ta lor has been down there twice in the past couple months scouti g working out so I can see hat track being on the ultra4 go to list here in the not too ar distant future. It looks lik a premier level operation that they have going on there. Bu that's a it's like an eight ay event bands and concerts and different events every singl day centered around offered entric, Jay, Oklahoma and e ents called visions at mid America off road. But like I said, I think the 4400s run n Friday the 23rd after that A gust 6 we've got Sturgis c ming up. That's a western orth Point race for ultra4 hat is I'm super excited about this because you've had Byrd an good B and JT all up there in S uth Dakota. This is running t e first weekend of Bike Week nd those guys have been buildi g new course and plottin out new course. It seems to loo a lot like Montana, you know, l ke plains level racing. Lots f elevation changes, but no tr es. So So I mean, that's the exact opposite of what we're go ng to see this weekend in Te nessee following that up Sep ember 3 Crandon that's the astern North series race. Basi ally, cheese curds and off road races are are calling your name. Casey Gilbert put your ph ne on mute. Dang it. I'm gon a meet you myself. Love cal ing Casey out. But that was absolutely Casey right there. C sey, welcome to the party. So yeah, Korean and eastern North oints, man cheese curds and of road races. That's it, Septe ber 3. And then that's th end of the series racing until e hit October 15. And that's n tionals nationals, ended up r scheduled and removed from Re o due to the closing of vile Wild West. So nationals end up t Davis, Oklahoma on October t e 15th weekend. along that li es, ultra4 purchase the stan s and all the ancillary track e uipment from Wild West Park here in Reno. And from what I ather, there's going to be a nouncement on a new track somew ere I believe in that area bef re the end of the year, which wh can't get more excited abo t that, you know, having another ultra4 course having a good ne in Reno, you know, a majorit, it's a good number of ultra4 acers come out of that NorCal a ea and basically have a new rack coming online. I'm excite. I'm I don't know anything abo t I don't know where it's at r what it is. There's certa nly a lot of opportunity to ace up in that area. Next hing out of the housekeeping l st is I saw that UTV rules, there's going to be some update to you TV rolls coming. So si, everybody brace yourselves on UTV rules. If anyone else ha some information on that, lease throw your hand up and we' l call you up to, to discuss th t. But if my understanding is w're ultra4 is working t make the UTV rulebook match or ave similarities with a lo of other promoter ser es, so that it allows for other eries is for you guys with our cars to bounce from, from eries to series and be abl to, to leave the line. Tha's pretty, pretty, pretty aweso e. And I think that's the meanin of the ultra4 cars to begi with, is build a Swiss Army kn fe that you can run them at mult ple genres of Motorsports. Yeah on that note, I want to launc into the results for the last t o events. You know, we di n't do this. We didn't do this s bmit for Montana, basically, I' gonna I blame Shannon. W ll, Trish, and I'm blaming, you know, I've always blame it on m. No worries. No, you know, there was a there was a lot around Montana. You know, it was a Yellowstone off road race, which it came off pretty awesome. We've got up here, Bailey and his co driver who won the 4400. We'll talk to them here shortly about that. I didn't end up covering it. I was I was super busy with work. And I apologize for that. And then talk to Shannon Shannon was also traveling. And so we punted and that was my call to Ponton. I kind of regret it. But at the same time, you know, there's only so many hours in the day and so many things you can get done and, and there's only you know, a couple of doing it. So it kind of is what it is. And then I want to talk about Baja. But first I'm Bailey, congrats on on that on that when in Montana. Thanks a lot. It was a it was an awesome event, and great to get the first one in the States. And this is your first official 4400 run, right? He's


got two wins over in Europe when I raced the spec car over there. But first some mistakes.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Gotcha. But more importantly, I want to hear from your co driver. She's up here. I'm gonna unmute her. But McKinsey, talk to us about this. This is your first race in, in an ultra4 car and you Khodro fo for Bailey. And tell us ab ut it.


Um, it was an experience, to say the least I have spent the last two and a half years running the social media and doing the comms and running relay between Pitt and the car. And so to actually get in the car, and understand why Bailey complains about his neck hurting at the end of the night was pretty cool.

Wyatt Pemberton:

So Mackenzie, I saw your social media notes and you had like 110 notes on your GPS file per lap and walk us through that walk us through how strenuous and stressful that was, and and then about enjoying the win.


So I need to start with that and explain that I'm incredibly dyslexic, which has always caused issues even when I just co drive when we're on road trips in a normal vehicle. And so we had to do the driver co driver, I can't mess that up. But left's and rights I am just not good at. So we had to learn how to communicate because that's different than Tom or other co drivers Bailey's had in the car. And on a 40 mile lap in Montana, we had 110 marks on the course those denoted dangerous cautions, and then change of pace spots. And I know I've talked a lot to Bailey, I hear a lot on the back end, but haven't been in the car before. So Bailey's talked a lot about memorizing courses and kind of knowing what things were. I called every single one of those points throughout the four laps. Is that what we Yeah, four laps. But it was pretty cool. Because the first lap it was caution coming up and 500 caution coming up in 250. On the cushion now and by the fourth lap, it was coming up on a blind rise, you have a hole on the left side, and 502 50 and zero, so it was pretty rad to over the course of four laps kind of memorize that course with Bailey. At one point after our alternator issue. We got stuck behind Kevin Porterfield and that dust was miserable. We couldn't see anything. I luckily could see straining my eyes full of dirt. I could see the GPS and Bailey basically told me that he wasn't going to hit the brakes until I told him to and I needed to count down all the turns. We were in a section that had some pretty big holes and a big danger going into a passenger 90 that had a large pole with barbed wire around it in the center of the turn. So it was a pretty big deal that I didn't mess that turn up. And we were able to make it around Kevin not too long after that in a straightaway and regain that lead which was great. Awesome.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Oh, that sounds that sounds fun. So is Do you already have requests in, you know, some change orders into management there to make some modifications to your side of the car.


I'm so actually because Darlene was the one who that car was built for in the passenger side, it fits me perfectly. Darlene is about two inches smaller than I am. So I fit in that side of the car better than any co driver Bailey's ever had in that side of the car, I could reach the GPS with no problem. I could reach most of what I needed to touch on the PDM with no problem. I'm short. So it made it easy, because all I could see was the GPS. So that made it easy to not miss any of the turns. And it was a good time. Well,

Wyatt Pemberton:

I was so excited to hear when they ended up, you know, the announcement came out that you were gonna co drive for Bailey, because, you know, women in motorsports is, you know, it's a thing, right? It's, it's not I mean, it's not a thing, it's there needs to be more and it seems like it's a male dominated sport. But the the few females that we have that have crossed over and over for and have done things for, they've just been these amazing individuals. And they've really, really been people to talk with I mean, like that unit cut from some some of the same cloth in the race, race with your significant other, that's got to be somewhat stressful to begin with, right?


Honestly, it really wasn't. And that was it was pretty funny. We put out a post I think two days beforehand on Bailey social media asking for Last Minute Tips. And a lot of people commented things like, what he says in the car doesn't matter. Don't take it personally. You know, you can take everything back, you say in the car. But the reality is Bailey and I have lived together for a year and a half. During COVID. We went to school from home, we both worked from home, we spend quite a bit of time together. And Bailey is Yeah, we lived in 400 Square Feet for nine months of our relationship. And before that was about six or six months in 300 square feet. So we have kind of worked through the kinks of communication and dealing with emotions. Bailey is just as mellow in the car, as he is on a day to day basis. And our energies feed off of each other. He was calm, he was relaxed. And so I was calm, and I was relaxed on the start line. And we were like, Wow, it would be a great time for a nap. So it definitely the only part of the race I would say was high stress was that password Kevin and that was because I was putting pressure on myself to not mess up because that was a spot where Bailey needed me to perform. So I had to do that for him.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Well, thank you for the rundown. Congratulations Bailey on your on your first day side when you know you've got Alp here this weekend and you're you're in the lineup so we're gonna be pulling for you there to you in a very very good position in McKinsey. Thank you for giving us the rundown. I always love hearing that one that a perspective of a new racer, a new co driver, but to exactly that, that you have this long standing relationship, the guy on the left see that it went very well. And there wasn't problems and then not only your first race you gotta also experience at the top of the podium so well done to you guys. Awesome. Thank you so much. So I'm gonna run through the the Baja the Baja finish finishes real quick since we can't get those behind us. I don't remember what the calls were but I definitely remember Brad level and twitchy McGee were up there and a lot of people's take Guess who was going to be up there? I think Josh atterbury was in our contracts. You can never knock those guys out. Look, Brad level twitchy and shamik mamre where your 4600 podium down in the the 4900 the UTV, guys yeah Jacob bersih Josh Smith and Travis zollinger rounding out the the 4900 bucks 4800 Logan Goodall, we you know, we could see that going he's a he's a formal dude. Cody young, and Eric wickel I think I'd talked about wickel on that one. didn't know who he was, but I do have Kevin Jones is in the audience. Kevin, you want to talk to us about your your baja race because you missed the podium by you missed the box by one spot. Yeah, problem. Thanks for reminding me Yeah, there yep. Oh, you have a ton of background noise don't not worry. I'm gonna cut you out. Kevin give me I wouldn't come back to Kevin if he gets it gets a good signal setup where he's at 4500 I mean, there was three cars in that you know Shawn Rance john grounds and Richard love So yeah, I don't remember exactly the order I think we've I think I picked a grounds to be over rants in that that race. But as we dropped down into the 4400s you know, anyone listens to this listens to me. I love these guys. But long time coming. Congratulations to Lauren Healy getting back to a podium spot Lauren you know he's finished well always finished Well, he's you know mult one km h a couple times. He's, he's absolutely You're killing the marketing game but he's the boxes eluded him for a little bit. Chase and right behind him to go mess brothers, Ravel and JP and then I love seeing these these two Brian Cabrera I believe he was in a horschel car and then Brian crafts and then Vaughn getting another fun however, running out six Jason shear Chris wicks. Bailey Cole who you guys just heard from finished ninth there and then this is the one I want to celebrate is breaking in that top 10 Rufus racing Texas ship MacLaughlin, Weldon chip, way to get way to get there going into Montana real quick. Like I said, we didn't have this conversation. We didn't talk about these guys, but uh, so I just want to run through who ended up finishing where as we have 4500 in there wasn't you know, a big list of I don't have the start list, but I do have the finish list. JOHN Matthews and john grounds. One, two and 40 540 4600 Josh Pratt, Alex Fleming, john Snell 4900 the UTV guys, Josh Smith and in second place Mike slawson and we talked about the slawson slawson is a Randy's brother also his co driver. It was cool to see Mike back in the racing game and then you know never to be counted out Jacob mercy. This guy rounds out your top three and 4900 4800 Jeremy Jones i mean he's that's almost as backyard Steve Graf and jack Peterson round out your top three there. But then when we go to 4400 as you guys just heard Bailey and McKenzie talking about Bailey's first one there, john grounds and second bill Coons which is the one who I was excited about he came out in the TTB car the old torch might TTB car that bounced around to to Clyde Stacy then to Robby Gordon then from Robbie back to JT Taylor from JT back to the guy who should own it bill Kuhn so congratulations bill on your first race back in motorsports and God I'm gonna say eight 910 years it seems like a very very long time but cool to see you put the 4404 up in the third spot as we churn through it man I'm just just going as fast as possible you know, an hour to cover a lot of distance here schedule events for Tennessee this weekend. Like I said, I just talked to miles just talk to JT got quite a bit of good course information but uh, as I look at the schedule of events, you know, registration starts tomorrow, which is Thursday the 24th It starts at 4pm tech five drivers registration opens again up on Friday at 9am. With with the trails open trails are opening up noon media safety briefing at the fork comms trailer Don't miss it. Driver meeting for qualifying will be at 1pm at the race Pavilion. All drivers must attend qualifying for all courses. Friday, two to 6pm Let's go. All courses all classes. Saturday 8am Racing starts you TVs up first. What I'm excited about though is the 10am race that slated it's the 170 Kids race this is the race that Chris Mae has put together this is Chris may or may not but Chris Mae has put together I believe there was like 15 kids there last year as anyone remembers Alp was the first race back during COVID that ultra was able to get you know off the off the starting blocks. And I think it was around 15 kid this year. I think there's lik six or seven of those kids tha were missing. There's a lot of ther racing and a lot of oth r competition in Indiana thi weekend so not so many the e but to talk about those kid we've got Kinsey Caldwell and JW Caldwell I think those are brother and sister and then we ot Tillman Ewing in the oh six Alexander well while Raven, his dad races over and 4900 so it' cool to see father's father son there and then a hurricane Ril y May. This is chris chris my aughter she's in the 725 goo looking little blue 170 UTV and then number 517 Jackson mad lyne I'm excited about these lit le kids a racing getting the get them started early. Let the have fun. They're def nitely there. They're kind of he car remind me of the cla s elevens of watching a cla s 11 race on that a reset hav to watch on the Saturday bef re to kick it off hammers wee. miss anything we ready to tal about.


You've got Chris may actually on the panel. I didn't know if he wanted to talk about anything was at 170 he is sitting here. That's awesome.

Wyatt Pemberton:

We were exchanging text messages earlier. Chris you you chime in on the 170 Kids he unmuted I just don't hear him Yeah, I'm not hearing him either. We we can move on and come back to him. That was a lot of information man. That was a data dump. I'm gonna have to take it take a drink here to catch up AOP This was the first race back last year for ultra4 you know wh t COVID we missed a bunch. Th re's a lot of cancellations. Bu then we end up pulling this of. It's very it's the course wi l the place is similar right? It s Alp it's literally the ni est pits that we race in the I ean it is groomed it looks li e Pebble Beach it's so grand It s so nice is it's been sunny al week it's not been super hu id. They did get a bunch of ra n beginning of the week or in th weekend. The rest of the co rse is really kind of dried ou except for under the trees an that's kind of standard East Co st wet mud you know spot so bu it's not going to be like ru h was where it rained all ov r it and I said the R word I' sorry No that's like a wedge yo don't say the W word. You do't say the R word when you're ta king about a you know an East Co st event but the R word again ni est pits you know around the tr es is still wet it's normal le's just call it normal ish. Th track is still shaping up la t year's race was about a six mi e loop this year's race it's go ng to be similar mileage ma be a little bit longer than th six miles is not going to ge to seven miles i don't i do't think it's that long. Th re's definitely some of the sa e stuff but there's a whole bu ch of new stuff in the track la outs pretty much totally di ferent there's a there's a ne really gnarly down that you kn w as a note, JT dumped his hi key Anam over on today and de ayed him about an hour and a ha f to to to get that thing fl pped back over far as I know th course is about 85% marked. An as it stands now the course la s for class are still shaping up to be for 40 940 600 they're go ng to do four laps 40 540 800 ar going to do six laps and th n 4400 will be eight laps. Th s the two stock classes th y're going to get they're go ng to really use the bypasses ok y in 4400 there is a joker li e that that I believe was in pl y last year that you that yo'll have to do one one lap it st ll needs looked at that's th t's what JT came back to me wi h it still needs looked at th y he's been at it but he ha n't run it and so he's not 10% sure how he's going to ha dle it. But nonetheless, I wi l say that there's a course if you guys are familiar with AO there is an uphill that we do and we did you know we even di it last year is called one sh t hill that is not in the in th mix this year. One shot is ou of the mix and is actually st rted being referred to as ha f shot and the hill behind it is being now referred to as one sh t as is a different Hill but it has four lines on it. One of th se lines is a lot harder, but it s a lot faster. You guys go na have to I mean, this is wh t Mother Nature delta is the th s the best of all best, right th t you get options to ride. Th benefits and the perils are so ewhat managed to where you gu s can make a differentiating op nion. And then there's an ther new trail that you guys wi l be going down. That's Uncle St ve, you guys will be going do n on Uncle Steve. I just want to say that this cracks me up. Oh man. All right. So Alp, south so th Pittsburg, Tennessee. It's in the foothills of the Ch ttanooga mountain range. Be utiful there roughly 3000 pe ple elevations about 630 feet Sp cial thanks to Benji and Ka en the folks that own it and pu it on about 600 acres that we have access to nice showers, ni e bathrooms. They're open ev ry weekend at 20 bucks a pe son and five bucks a day to dr camp so so yeah, man if you gu s uh, I assume everyone has pl ns to be there, and they're li tening to this and then ho efully they're listening to th s if they're not on it to ight. They're listening to it on Thursday on their drive to th course to race or not to ra e to drink beer not drink be r. I guess what I actually I th nk the way I want to do this an maybe terhune you can you ca want me to always keep me ho est on this stuff is I'm go na start at 4900 and talk ab ut who won it last year and th n what it looks like for this ye r, starting in 4900. Your box la t year was Jamie McCoy, Sc tland sage and James Ca trell. Well this year, I me n, we're looking at you know, Ja ie McCoy, he won at Rush he's cu rently your, your first, you kn w, East East points in the on spot Jamie coy so he's got th mark to be chased. I don't se Scott's sage on the list. He s a West Coast racer. I think he hit everything last year but I on't see him coming out to Te nessee. I don't know if an one has any input on that. Be ind him. You know, James Ca trell, Cantrell third Ca trell's name isn't even on th list. I think he's in the au ience. He's probably still pr pping his car. Who knows what Ca trell texting a little bit ag. So Dude, you're currently I th nk you're like seventh or so ething? No, your fifth your fi th and East points race right no. And you can't even get your na e on the on the registration li t. So but he says he's gonna ma e it can throw you out there. I nvite you up. I sent him an in ite to speak. Maybe he'll ch me in some interesting Why.


Why and I'll try man on AOP I just got back from there a month ago. And I was really impressed with how well that park was groomed. The parking lot was in great shape and they were really excited. I've known that we were coming in a month. I'm sad. I can't go.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Yeah. Todd. So you know what, this is a great spot. You know, we talked earlier in the week and you had some information you had ran over to ran over there for the West Keene deal. And walk through that week because I think there's some real walk through that trip. I think there was some really cool story you had out of that about the ultra community helping you out li e out of a guy we all know Ad m Woodley.


Oh, man, it really is literally the one of the best guys I've ever met. So I had a vehicular accident downtown Nashville, on my way to the rock bouncer event at Alp. We're on the west cane benefit shirt. Anyways, I had a wreck literally downtown I 24 thought I had it handled that we had a good plan going and then all that fell apart. So I picked up the phone I call Adam wordly and he goes man, I'll meet you Wherever I'll get you guys taken care of. He'd only got us taken care of he got the trailer transported to the event so we could sell shirts and get our side by sides there. And he one of his employees put us up Jason Washburn put us up and man he they all took care of us you know we hung out at Willie's house that weekend. I had a great dinner with him and I'll tell you what there's not more of a stand up individual so if you need something that why don't designs sells I would highly recommend checking them out

Wyatt Pemberton:

yeah he's a good dude I heard you missing mentioned Jason Washburn and Jason posted some pictures a couple days ago of basically flooding in that area and I start you know I think a lot of people freaked out about a Alp potentially being you know, flooded but it's dried out well so just


well and and on that Benji said there was only a half inch at the park. Last I saw him post. Yeah, there was some flooding down that area, but it wasn't bad button Park.

Wyatt Pemberton:

There's one mountain range over. Correct. Well, good. Good, good. Good. So as you know, as we look through 4900 man, there's a it's actually the biggest class right we've got 28 racers currently registered as of this reading. That puts them the biggest class pretty excited. There's some some names I'm not familiar with. And then there's a bunch of names that I am familiar with. So good to see those guys. Anthony, you better not uh, you know, you better show up and in represent Okay, going to 4500 Well, there's five guys registered for 4500. And you know, it's when you look at the list of who those guys are now and who in who won here last year. You know, Dwayne garretson won last year Jesse Oliver second DSI Dave Schneider And third, Sean Ranson, fourth, john grounds. DNF. Cody St. Clair also DNF. And then we had Dan fresh in there DNF danza West Coast racer, but if I look at this year, we've got Cody St. Clair, and someone can correct me on this name. I asked us miles on spelling. But we've got diesel Krantz or diesel Krantz, I think we would call him diesel because it just sounds better. But it's d i e, l currents. Racing 4500 kick ass name, buddy. Let's talk Dwayne garretson. And then Jesse Oliver in the mass motor sports car and then and then john grounds. You know, you can't you can't count Dwayne garretson out in an East Coast race. I've got a you know, I've got to say it's probably going to be the beard on the box. That's probably probably what's going to happen. Moving to 4600 I'm sorry. I'm glossing over these guys. Last year, john Schaefer, one this year, probably john Shaffer is gonna win. Sorry, Anthony vinoy. Drew Harper, Kenneth Hale and Tyler haggard. Tyler was there last year, but he DNF I'd like to see him get some retribution on this course. But john Shaffer in John's normally on here is john is john with us today. You mean to that? No. No, I did invite him but I haven't seen him join. He's, he's a fun guy. And then 4800 I'm assuming the case of Gilbert one here last year, but he didn't he he finished fourth. The number one Sam magura Jeremy Jones, if I recall correctly, Jeremy one Cade. Rog, Chris may ran out your box Chris, how do I know you got third. So just now we're going to talk about a Cade rod here in a little bit when we get to 4400 there's some exciting news on that Jeremy Jones the he just had a good run in Montana. As we look at these guys for the 1400 Oh, gosh. Crespo, Trumpy Gilbert May. I like this name? DANA Hale. Dana runs around with the Rufus racing guys. And if I if I heard right, I don't know this. For sure. Maybe someone else here can raise their hand and confirm this. I believe Dana is racing a new tribe car. And I'm excited to hear about that car and how that goes. he's a he's a Texas Wheeler, former Army guy retired with the army. You got skoolie in there. panzanella Justin Barth, Ryan Taylor, Sean rasky and Tim boss's


bullies in here. And Ken Carter asked to speak. I didn't know if he had some information on Schaefer Share with us but I didn't just invite George skoolie up as well.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Yeah, yeah. Let's talk to Ken first. Carter, talk to us. Hey, can you hear me? Yeah, absolutely clear that bell.


Well, that's good. Hey guys, how you doing tonight? doing awesome. So, uh, yeah, I know John's on his way up there some other guys in the way up there. I will say that, uh, I think the black sheep this time Anthony binoy. His vehicle is fully prepped, ready. I feel kind of bad. I took him out of the last race at Kentucky. A little bump. We had electrical issue with him. So I've been working with him behind his scenes, helping him out making sure he's ready to go and his vehicle is fully prepped. Ready? So John's gonna have his hands full with Anthony this time. As long as Anthony's vehicle stays together, they're going to be wanting to probably Oh, that's great to hear. Yeah, I love like hearing that inside information then. Who else do we have Shannon? I see George schooling in the audience. I've invited him up to speak but he hasn't come on up yet. So not sure he's he's new to this. So if he raises his hand goes hand up. There we go. Hey, guys.

Wyatt Pemberton:

How's it going man? Well is loud there. On the highway. We are we're headed are headed to Tennessee. will talk to me about your plans. Cars prep cars. 100%. So is I heard a rumor that Eric Miller is going to drive your car. Oh, is that right?


Yeah. What happened? I was in hospital for three days from my heart. Well, you didn't die. Doctor doc they have me on blood thinners and stuff and they have

Wyatt Pemberton:

told me I couldn't drive. Okay, so so you know, I had to find a replacement. So you went got a ringer was like playing good odds. 4400 races last year. Eric Miller. This is your you're gonna hear worse than Casey Gilbert on sandbagging. Oh my god. Come on. That's fair. That's good. Good luck to you guys in the 42. Good luck, Derek Miller. We'll be talking about him. Here's the 4400 All right, guys, keep up the good work. I will catch you there. All right. Oh, that's funny information right there. Who's he goes out he needs a substitute driver. So he goes out and gets the guy that wanted last year.


You know, free time. I mean, no, no pressure there. Yeah. I mean, it's good.

Wyatt Pemberton:

I like it. Well, let's, uh, you know, in the 4800 race, I mean, obviously, that changes changes my handicap there because I would have put, you know, Casey Gilbert, you know, he's one of my favorites. You know, with Jeremy Jones not there from last year. Cade. Rod. Moving to 4400. Chris may chris chris has a solid solid car. Hopefully, you know, we'll get him on here to talk a since that didn't work out a little bit ago, but or he may just be all preoccupied with the the 170 race getting his girl out there. Hurricane Riley? Hey, let's talk 4400 man currently 17 cars lined up for it. You know for that is is the plan. I think that's roughly where we were last year. Maybe there was a few more last year. I don't know how but same same eight laps. We do have a Eric Miller, Josh Wyler and then Bailey and Shannon Campbell were the three for Kevin Porterfield. We love Kevin and the East Coast races he was fifth. Cody Hardesty 68 chip on Miss SAR. Casey Ryan seventh. Casey Ryan when he raced on this. That's a great guy. That's that's good guy.


He's gonna register last minute with Cantrell. Come on now.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Probably in the truck together. Yeah, hold that. Yes. Bailey Cole ninth last year Bailey. You so you definitely gotta move up there. Chad Owens was 10th Lauren Haley. Not there. Stan Haynes racing. Stan Haynes is racing. He was 11th or 12th last year, but anyway, let's look at it. I mean, we're talking East Coast event we're talking 10 to 10. So totally favorite straight axle guys, that can narrow up it tends to be muddy. It looks like that may or may not be you know, we're kind of like average who I'm hearing. So out of the 17 guys, you guys heard the course earlier. They're gonna go you know, down on Uncle Steve and and that seems to be something that I would say favors, favors. The Bleiler favors the Millers, but the guy that I want to talk about that sliding in here Kade rod Cade is an MC driver. He's got a you know the one shot per corner And he's gonna throw 30 nines on his car 40s on his car and and show up in Tennessee. He obviously did well there last year. You know with that being a very technical race it doesn't need to be a big motor race. Cade is in the hunt for to see how his car will handle with non dot tires on it non big motor and to see if it's something that he wants to take that car and make it 4400 doable and actually raise 4400 in it come February out in Johnson Valley so this is kind of cool cool for a buy by the Jimmy's crew to to take this an EMC car and race up with it and to see how Kate's gonna do. I'm pretty pumped for him. But yeah, only changes on that car our number plate and tires. Maybe, maybe we get somebody like Casey to to chime in that or Jonathan terhune. What's your commentary on on racing up in that former fashion?


It's definitely the part for it. You the big sharks don't really favor here. It's very tight and technical, big horsepower. Again, not a big deal. And Cade was fast last year. So yeah, I think it's a great move on his part. excited to see see him race and a few of the other straight axles battle it out. Good old fashioned East Coast race.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Well, I mean, you know, I outside of that. I mean, I think there's some guys that I mean, obviously we always talk about them. I think Bailey Bailey will be an irfs car but Bailey, you know, and he's got, you know, McKenzie, they've got two races under there. This will be their second race under their belt together. He's done well, all season long. He's certainly you know, I don't want to hold the fourth spot down for him anymore, because he's absolutely broken and broken out of the box. Think Bailey is going to be forced to be reckoned with Brian Reed in the 416. You know, I meant to talk about the 416 earlier in UTV Hey Wyatt. Yeah,


sorry to interrupt you. I actually am not going to be co driving with Bailey in Tennessee.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Well, Mackenzie, that seems like such a disappointment. You do one race, you get him on the box and then he kicks you out the car.


So actually, flipside of that we're not going to be kicked out of the car brand is going to step up and get in the car with Bailey brand will have already raised with terhune earlier in the day. And um, I have run comps for Bailey over the last few races and Bailey asked me to run comps again Miss race, so I can make split times because I'm actually the one that computes those even though everyone says it's Dave it's me doing the math in the backseat of the 450. And so I will run comms and then Brandt will set co driver with Bailey in Tennessee.

Wyatt Pemberton:

So you were the secret weapon. Okay, so this this the rumors I've heard about? Well, I let's uh, let me get with Brent. Brent, you want to hear and talk and talk to us about what your what the plan is for Brent Irwin, as far as your day racing. Walk us through it, buddy.


You know, it's gonna be a busy day yet. I'm starting out with Jody and 4900. So

Wyatt Pemberton:

Jody Ford.


Jody Ford. I'll have two races under my belt. I think it's good move on Bailey. I wasn't planning on racing 4400 because Nate was out and he slipped in there and I think it's a I think it's a good call on his part. He's going to get a lot of right seat time already on course and be able to run those front guys down with a solid axles and proven wrong in the woods. The IRS can do it.

Wyatt Pemberton:

So you're going to run you're going to run laps with Jodi Ford in the 4860 and then you're going to move over to run die her terhune are you running? Have we welded up he welded that sucker up? He's coming back in he's no better than Cantrell. I swear to God, I guess you pre registered I mean doesn't even matter if you can't talk about I think that like on a text message like hey, I was surprised you didn't hear that already. That was that's pretty funny news there


in my defense based on my not even taken the green flag and rush. I didn't see a reason to sign up early.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Okay. Yeah. All right. Let's see how it is. Brent, did you end up getting a Puff the Magic race dragons sutured up?


I have not man. It's been so busy so crazy around here this summer. So he's still sitting. He's got a big old gash in his leg. I haven't got him signed up yet. It's about an eight foot long gash. For what it's worth.

Wyatt Pemberton:

It seems like an ER visit. So tell me tell us why. You know, we're big fans of Nate, Nate from talent tank here. Nate Jesse. He gets his Facebook hat. So we all had to read before the new friends with this guy. I think he lives in India or Pakistan at this point. But what's the story on him? Why is uh, why is he in the bomber car not not showing up to this East Coast event. So yeah,


he had a bunch of work come in. Basically, they changed strategies on his business and he's going to be on like three, three or four continents in the next two weeks starting Friday so that that was the nail in the coffin, but His car after rush we figured out that from the roll of King of the hammers we had some other issues that we didn't see. And so he tore the car all the way down and it wasn't quite put back together so it was a double edged sword on him. He had it coming from both sides not wanting them to race this weekend but Oklahoma we did well at Oklahoma had a blast last year so we're looking at Nationals with him for sure. I remember seeing

Wyatt Pemberton:

you guys come across the finish line, you know, completely swapping swapping Side slide near and covered in mud and just in the Nate just screaming sided he was so y'all had a good session. So is that the that's the next plan for the black and blue Motorsports car. You got it? Yeah, well, good, man. Sounds good. Yeah, that's nobody likes when work gets in the way but we also all recognize that we're getting in the way is how we get afford to go do this stuff. So that's exactly that's how it goes. And I think Bailey made a good choice. You're gonna have you're gonna be in the car a lot. All day. Hopefully. A lot. Yeah, that's, that's wonderful. So good. Good information. I didn't know. I didn't know that worked out. Thank you. McKinsey for for dropping that and sorry, you got to get out. We'll have to have a discussion with you about the top secret split times. People keep saying I wanted to accuse Bailey of cheating on that. And I'm like, Well, I don't know how that works. It's running a stop watch. But whatever. Kevin Porterfield. Man Kevin has been quite the force to be reckoned with this year. He's always floated to the top. I can see him being a guy to be got to be up there. And then you can't knock out the the roof is racing guys with chip and zandy in the four and the 24. But I I got sidetracked. I did want to talk about Brian Reed. And like I said in the UTV race, Mike Mills both the number 416 those guys are Texas guys. They are you know they're new they're new to the sport. They're fairly new to the sport I don't know what they're exactly their first race was but they raced they raced Moab and then then this will be it this will be that their their third race of the season so looking forward to the in their car is the car with the sign correct me if I'm wrong, I don't know the name of the race seems like m whack or something. But it's the blue car with a monkey holding the knife. Like it's


like a nine monkey with a knife racing. That's what the M stands for monkey with a knife. And this will be their fourth race. They race Tennessee is their first ultra4 race last ye r.

Wyatt Pemberton:

So they're familiar with the Alp once before, okay, this that's good, that is as good information. All right, that concludes kind of my spiel. One of the you always as we kind of go through we we kind of asked some of the guys up here front. Now the crowd has expanded on the on the stage. So I'm not calling everybody but I'm gonna get everyone to you know, actually, let's do this. Let's everyone on the stage. Sorry, everyone. I'm gonna ask you to handicap the 4400 race. Give me your top three. Shannon Welch


Uh oh, I'm gonna take a Bleiler Eric Miller and up a Bailey up there. He's having a good year it would be good to see him up there again.

Wyatt Pemberton:

He is having a really good year. You know I to add to the racing list you know, is we see people on or not on the list. I don't see leave. I surely Does anyone have any info on I haven't I normally would have talked to Levi. I just haven't really talked to him since since Mexico. Is Levi planning to race. I think somebody told me he was but then I haven't didn't see I expect to see his name on the list. Does anyone have any info on that? terhune top three.


I'm gonna go a little different. I'm always one to just pick the favorite. It's always a safe bet for this race. I feel like mixing it up. Well, I'm going with Kevin Porterfield for the win. Cade rod and second and Ted delkor rounding out the podium.

Wyatt Pemberton:

All those that's that's that's that's a good one. This should be a good one. Because the next on my list is uh, Bailey Cole, who's your top three.


I mean, I would really like to see me on top of the box again. That would be cool. Absolutely. would be stoked with that. There are a lot of fast people the blinders are always right there. Porterfield already kicked my butt once this year. Eric's always fast. I think anybody out there really has a good shot, especially on this course. That's so tight and technical. I'm forgetting his name right now. He beat me last year at this race. And Jonathan told me I would remember his name after it and I have up until now. Who am I thinking of Jonathan? Cody. Hardesty? Yes, he's my dark horse. I think he's getting married. Nevermind.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Well, congratulations to Hardesty for I guess if you're gonna miss a race I guess that's a good reason to miss it. Well, we'll get let's see if Chris may can jump on here and give us his top three Chris you available


on Hello. Can you hear me? Yeah, I hear you now. Absolutely. Okay. Yeah, top three. I think no particular order. It's probably going to be Miller Bailey. And I'd like to see Cody rice, but he is getting married to talk to him the other day. I don't know. Miller and Bailey for sure. I don't know Kim Porterfield maybe

Wyatt Pemberton:

another guy that I saw not on the list was handsome j no handsome J. I talked to Jay a couple hours ago on a message saying he's working. He is he's stuck working. Social media videos. Come on. Now. We all know what he's up to. He's great. He's great. He's a guy's comedy. Kevin. Are you able to Kevin Jones ultra4 Jones? Are you ab e to get on here now? Yeah. Ho's the audio? What? Yeah, no, yo r audio is good. Yeah. Go ba k to answer my question about ho your ba re skill and then gi e me your top three. All ri ht. Ba was was killer. What a gr at race put on by ultra4. I've een down to baja before for l ke surfing and stuff, but never to race. So that was that was s per cool. I knew I knew we didn' have the speed in the deser to keep up with those guys. So we just ran a good, consi tent race and got a fourt. You can't complain about that. Well, standing back on the outsi e from the west coast looki g to these, these guys that at and breathe mud versus dust. What's your call?


I've got Miller, Josh Bleiler. And then john grounds has been making some big moves. Yeah. Big moves in his new Miller car. I think he's got it sorted out. So I've got him in third.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Gotcha. Awesome. Casey, Gilbert, are you available? Okay, see, we'll move to Todd Stauffer, Todd. Oh, there's Castel. Hello. I couldn't figure out how to unmute it. Are you in a drive thru? I'm in the motorhome. Alright. Are you ready as your race ready for 4800? Are you concerned with some of the new cars showing up? Are you concerned with the skoolie putting Miller in the another Miller car?


I put Miller in my car once and I can't afford the tire bill. So no, I'm not worried about it. Okay,

Wyatt Pemberton:

fair enough. All right. 440 400. Who's your Who's your pick?


Um, Miller. I'd like to see rusty Bleiler. But I think he's more of a sledgehammer when sometimes he needs to be like a ball peen hammer driving his car. So if he can keep his car together, I think rusty will finish real well. And then either Porterfield or Bailey Yeah, I

Wyatt Pemberton:

think the the Bailey situation with Brent Irwin, in the CO driver's seat kind of changes that significantly, in my opinion.


Yeah, definitely. So I think those two are hard to call, but I you know, it's gonna be a while or somewhere on the podium, I would think. Yeah, kind

Wyatt Pemberton:

of like, you know, when you talk about a West Coast race, it's going to be a Gomez. somewhere. somewhere up there. That's, I'm kind of with you. I'm going to jump to George skoolie skoolie. you available? Yeah. All right. Yeah. 44 high race handicap me your top three.


Miller, Tyler, and Casey. I love to see rusty up there. You know, we're gonna go with all Miller cars. I'm gonna go john. John's gonna John's gonna be on there. Gotcha.

Wyatt Pemberton:

I'm gonna bring this guy up from way at the bottom. Let's see if he jumps up here. Brad Christianson with Rufus racing. See if Brad can talk to us. And in the middle while we're waiting on him. Hey, King Carter. You available to handicap top 340 400 Yeah, I'll go with a Miller Bleiler and King Roger King. So tell me about Roger King.


I just think he's I think it's a he's ready to for a time to get to be on that podium. Okay,

Wyatt Pemberton:

I know nothing about Roger King. I need someone to tell me more about him. You gotta tell me some more. Yeah, tell off some more. Who's Roger King hanging on my phone without a problem. Hello. All right. We'll come back to kin as I want to I want to hear more about them. They will get like I said I tried to get Brian Christianson up here he's a he's in the mix but it's not working. Well guys. That brings us to 856 we got a few minutes until my alarm goes off for one hour I won't appreciate I really want to tell everyone thank you very much for joining in and following and kind of moving us towards this path of I don't know what it is like Pardon the Interruption for for ultra4 Mo orsports, you know getting yo one your content creations on thing I don't think that's th biggest hurdle the biggest hu dle is just very cool di logue back and forth with in ide our industry with inside ou motorsport with inside our ho by amongst the competitors Ea t versus West West versus Ea t all of us together the cl sses upon all the classes and th n just having those co versations Please don't take a ou know my my reads on who I' handicapping or her other gu s are handicapping as an thing more than a you know wh we'd love to see see when or wh we you know, we think is ki d of the the horse the le ding horse in the stable the Da k Horse We're just somebody wh we want to see. But if your na e didn't get listed, use that as a as fuel to put yourself on th box next time and in get get in our heads and make your name a ame that puts you in a po ition that we get to talk ab ut you. Right. And that's on th t note. That's, that's all I' e gotten. That's all I want to cover. Shana, did you have an thing that you wanted to co er?


No, I, I think that it's been a good show. And for what started off with just a couple of people in here got pretty full pretty quick. So it's great to see everybody show up. They just they just weren't there at the start line at the beginning. Yeah, it's

Wyatt Pemberton:

pretty fun. I actually need to, you know, catch up with you sometime near future about some other cool ideas that have been bouncing around in my head. How to how to further the ultra4 message. He, hey, Wyatt. One


last thing. I did just get a text back from Levi and he is not racing.

Wyatt Pemberton:

Oh, that's some optimal. Okay. Well, I'm marking off my list I had him on there's a question as well. fully understand. I can see that. Like I said, I understand why handsome Jay is not racing. I understand why Nate's not racing. But uh, you know, everybody else guy man, it's it's it's fixin to be a good weekend. excited to see where this where this falls out. And on that note, hey, Tripp one last thing before you take off or Wyatt sorry, yeah. Ken, there you are. Yeah, so.


So real quick on the voice. Hunter is one of those someone out there. So obviously, I'm not raising this weekend. I've got to work same with some

Wyatt Pemberton:

other guys. But the other name I forgot to throw out there was drew Harper, yo, yo, his dad raced out vehicle for a long time and that'd be their vehicle is highly prep ready to go. They had a mishap at the Kentucky race also. So I think it's gonna be a Harper binoy and a Shaffer weekend for the podium. Well, I mean, like I said, I know john Shaffer and vinoy. Drew Harper, I didn't I didn't know much about him. So I'd love to see. See and have conversations with him about about his efforts and what he's going to pull off but yeah, the 4686 I'll be watching it based on your recommendation. Absolutely. Yeah. Fun. And then and then I'm gonna come back to you sometime. Ken and ask you about Roger King, you need to give me the the 411 on this guy. One of the names on the list. I'm like, I'm just not familiar with so anyway. Well, hey, guys, everyone. Thank you so much for joining in. And, and on that note, this is the talent tank and this was bench racing, the Alp Tennessee, the tear down in Tennessee. That's gonna go on this weekend, here in June of 2021. Man, guys, I'm going to stop recording and then let the conversations ensue for everyone that's listening to this on the podcast. God, you guys are gonna miss the next 30 minutes or hour, whatever it is and where the conversations go. You guys fear of missing out the FOMO get us next time. And that will be and there's my alarm right in the background. Awesome. All right, we'll catch you guys later.


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