The Talent Tank
The Talent Tank
EP 46 Michael London
A play on the triumph and losses in performance and life. The Talent Tank podcast will navigate the inner workings of lifestyle, lives, family, teams, careers, programs, and technology in and around the offroad motorsports industry. What breeds success with your Talent Tank on full, failures when its on empty. From the journey to the Starting Line to take that Green Flag, on to exploring trials and tribulations on and off the track in pursuit of victorious achievement and the Checkered Flag.
Not a rookie, though still very green to ULTRA4 Racing, Michael London @racegsm, driver of the #4825 Gray Squad Motorsports EMC racecar goes full infiltrate on The Talent Tank this episode. Growing up in Colorado, Michael was no stranger to wheeling trip after wheeling trip with his father while growing up in the shadow of Pikes Peak. After years of touring the world while serving this great country, a decent stint in the highly congested Washington DC area. Michael hit eject, and now hails and races out of Moab, Utah. Here's the tale of how in his Mid-40's he became addicted to racing offroad, being seduced by King of the Hammers on TV, and lured to Johnson Valley in 2018 where he fell in love with the idea he was cut out to breath the dust, and shed the blood sweat and tears having the time of his life. All the while raised funds and awareness for The Warrior Built Foundation.
After the Checkered Flag-
The Warrior Built Foundation
The purpose of the foundation is to provide new motivation, camaraderie and to spark the imagination of former United States service members, while most importantly offering a release to cope with similar difficulties in a positive and therapeutic way. "Warrior Built" does this in a safe, fun and supportive environment all while providing much needed different forms of therapy.
“Warrior Built” relies solely on the generosity of individuals, small business leaders and corporations for donations and financial support in carrying out and expanding our mission. Your support will not only provide a shop and/or equipment for current projects, but it will provide resources necessary for additional projects, races, and events as we reach out to help as many wounded warriors and combat veterans as possible.
The Warrior Built Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and can receive tax-deductible donations.
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Insiders Group
Let's drop the green flag on this episode of the talent tank podcast with your host Wyatt Pemberton bringing you the best, fastest, most knowledgeable personalities and Ultra4 and off road racing.
Wyatt Pemberton:Alright, alright. Alright, here we go everybody welcome back. Welcome back to the show the talent tank we're gonna take in, you know, another dive in not you just dip our toes in and get them wet a little. And looking back at me right now is this guy, Michael London. driver of the 4825 EMC racer good looking fella that I know almost nearly nothing about which this is gonna be super fun. I'm kind of a no, I'm on. I'm on the edge of my seat about what this guy's got going on. Because he he's he's popped up on my radar enough times that he's got a pop up on other people's radars. Michael, how are you?
Michael London:I am good, man. How are you? I'm well, talking to you. And we're
Wyatt Pemberton:gonna knock out this episode 46. And, and you know, I always try to carry new guys and get the story like how, how you found your way to ultra for and how you ended up in the fold. And you've been? I think, you know, you showed up at kth like 2018. And then you raced it in 19 and 20 and 20. Others. So got we've got a lot of ground to cover. But you're known for out the bat, the thing that strikes me about you and why you've popped up on my radar because your car is a very good looking car, you drive a two seat Jimmy chassis in the MC. And it's that I call it battleship gray. But it's kind of you know, what would you call a lusterless gray.
Unknown:It's kind of got some digital cammo in there. And it's it's kind of a flat gray color. Take you know, and we'll probably get into this later. But I kind of cut my teeth and car stuff doing show cars. So we got to look cool, right? And then I was gonna joke is when is when we show up at races like clay, we have no idea what we're doing. But we're going to look cool anyways. So I take a lot of pride in that. But
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah, I want to hear you because we all have that first experience of being at our first race where we're like driver record and, and not having been around it. And yours is fairly recent, right? It's only a few years ago, so I'm very excited about that. You race them to the GSM livery which is
Unknown:Yep, that's great squad Motorsports. That's, uh, that's me and whoever I can con into showing up to help me out. Oh, I love them. It's you know, we'll get into it later. But it's become it's become kind of one big family with the border belt Foundation, and just kind of a whole thing with all kinds of stuff. Those guys got class elevens and dirt bikes, and we're having a really good time with all of it. But yeah, man, we just really like we got out of cool, man, and we got to look cool. And then we'll figure out how to race later. Yeah,
Wyatt Pemberton:so where are your bill? So I which I mean, we're gonna get there where your bill is just an amazing charity. They do a lot of good stuff for a lot of great folks. And I know a lot of great folks that have gotten involved with them. And it's been really cool to see their inputs into that organization, how it's changed them, and how it's helped them. So it's always that you're given to a charity and you're supporting a charity and you're putting your time into it to help others. But invariably,
Unknown:it helps you Sure, sure. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Does, man.
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, we will get there man. So today, you're gonna be talking your bags here and you're gonna be getting on the road in a couple days. You got San Felipe a this weekend. You guys are headed south of the border. You live in Moab today. So you live Are you already living off road Mecca?
Unknown:I do. Man. I got a love hate relationship with this town. But I'm here right now. We've been here a couple of years, had a chance to leave the rat race to kind of the DC area. like Oh, hell, I grew up coming out to Moab. So we just came out here. My kids crushing it. I got a 17 year old. He's a junior high school. He's thriving. But yeah, man, I have a love hate relationship with town. It's it's a really great place to be outdoors. But you know, I don't want to get too much into politics of it. But the
Wyatt Pemberton:spectrum.
Unknown:Yeah, yeah, man, they don't want us here anymore.
Wyatt Pemberton:And I will tell you, you know, myself included and everyone listening like they're pretty jealous that you literally have a race in your backyard. So there's at least one race a year you don't travel.
Unknown:Right, man that is so cool. It's 15 minutes and I could I could actually drive my race car if I went on the power lines. I almost did it just for the hell of it. I could drive my car to DFE I didn't do it but it can be done.
Wyatt Pemberton:That's awesome. People like they're hating on me rad
Unknown:it's a great place to live. It's a great place to live man. It's just it's it's a tourist town. You know, you're literally on an island is two hours to your real town to get any union real shopping or anything like that diamond is a road trip. But
Wyatt Pemberton:So how long have you lived in my lab?
Unknown:I've lived here just over two years.
Wyatt Pemberton:Okay. You guys moved out there from the DC area?
Unknown:Yeah, yeah. But I I'm not complaining man, I'm, uh, you know, we were sitting in traffic for, you know, two hours a day go go one way. And you know, this is you walk in the DMV here and it's one lady and there's nobody at the line in the counter and, you know, there's, there's, there's a really nice, there's a lot to like about my lab even outside of off roading, but I feel like it's maybe a little bit too small for me.
Wyatt Pemberton:I'm gonna pull the the DC line right here that's in Vogue, right now. We're gonna circle back to that. Cool. So right now, so your, your preference for sampling. They told me about the GSM Motorsports effort to run down south of the border and race the El Rey,
Unknown:man, I'm stoked. It's, uh, you know, I think it's every kid that likes off roads dream to go to a race in Baja, we were set to do it 29 or whenever COVID happened like right before it last week. We had everything lined up, house registered all that and then and then that happened. And that kind of bummed us out for the rest of the season. And this year, we're, I think right now we're fourth and national points. That's a lot of there's there's a lot of racing left, but we're going to Mexico man where we don't have a whole lot of help. But we're stoked. We're gonna go and I know if it was easy, I guess everyone would do it. So it's been a lot of work to get to this point. But man, I spent all day on the trailer today, the cars ready to go. I'm waiting for my buddy to show up here this weekend. And we're gonna head down and link up with Beckham from water bill in Tucson. Get down and get it done. And then crossover. Where do you guys crossover? Well, I've never been there. But we're gonna try to link up with Yeah, we're gonna try to link up I guess there's a liaison. That ultra force kind of worked with the tourism industry to meet us all kind of like 12 1230 and kind of smooth out the process to getting over so I
Wyatt Pemberton:did see an email on that. And then I saw some Facebook on that. You're absolutely right so far has done a good job. I remember a few years ago, it was Terry Matt and funny enough his work, I'm sure will, his name will come up we get in this conversation based on knowing you and where you're built. But he was running behind and he crossed over on his own at night in the dark solo. And he got robbed. And he wrote, you know, it was a really bad deal. But at the same time, it's like, Terry, you really you can only blame yourself on that. Like they saw you that man they saw you coming a mile away. Like you know, it's it's it's truly you know, I believe it's safe down there. And that's why we're racing down there but it is it is safe, but you've got to watch your P's and Q's you've got to go in groups you've got to look out for each other and then invariably stuff will walk off a chase tracks that's just that's just the way Mexico is but if everyone's you know watching their stuff and watch out for each other then it is safe. It's you know, at least what we're told and what we're seeing. But yeah, if you're gonna go solo, you are gonna you're like the slowest buffalo they're gonna snag
Unknown:I don't know what year that was. Maybe that was 2019 it was a he's always getting into soccer man,
Wyatt Pemberton:God he is he is. So just before we went we started record everybody sitting here talking to Michael and we're going through the headshots and headshots are kind of a big thing for me, I make sure you know it's a certain look and I'm going after you know, because it becomes the artwork not just on social media not just on the talent tank comm it's also embedded in the ID three tag the audio so that's where all of the you know, the all the other stream platforms, whoever you're listening to on it today, you know, if you're listening on Apple or Spotify or whatever, that's how that picture shows up. Like on your radio is because I've gotten the artwork right and the artwork to me is getting the guy's face you're just getting the best picture and you know, not everyone is photogenic or not everyone is at events where they're getting good pictures and not everyone is in front of Alan Johnson when he's doing headshots so to speak is his sneak attack so Michael has a really good one here but it but he's kind of looking he's looking a little too far away and I call it a three quartering away look you know if anyone shooter you know what a three firing away is. And so he's kind of the street corner away and I'm kind of going to crop it I'm like well, I really liked it to be more of your face you're good looking dude, you're not ugly like most of us are some of the guys like a really good three quarter in a way that I've got is like a Phil McCarty. Like everyone knows what it looks like from side and he's ugly from now. But yours is I'm like okay, I'm telling you this and now I'm like, but the problem with the the crop out is in your background is just this big mane of blonde hair and it's terrible.
Unknown:Now, it's just
Wyatt Pemberton:now in Terry, not the Terry ruins the picture. He just doesn't make it usable for him. I'd like
Unknown:Scala has a mind of its own and creeps in.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, I remember when he had short hair. So it's Yeah, that was that was a long, long, long, long, long, long time ago. So how do you know that? You know, Terry just through through warrior built?
Unknown:Yeah, man. I mean, dude, that's I mean, you know stoked to be on this show. Because this show I listen to it every week and it's always guys I look up to you know, and it was I don't really know everybody off road racing knows who Terry is. And when we were when we were kind of partnered up with warrior bill, you know, it was it was JT and a couple other guys like man you got to get Terry in your car Jerry's he's got a really good relationship with those guys and I kind of didn't know that and then we started talking, you know, he wasn't sure if he could get in the car and hammers because he has a lot of other obligations you know, he's This is his livelihood, you know, and I get that and we ended up spending a little bit of time together I went out to do a little shock tuning and we did the Thanksgiving deal out at Dave's place and Carrie and I got in the car and we hit it off pretty quick and then I think he wasn't scared for his life after riding with me for a few minutes and we did the hammer staying and then you know an hour I think we're gonna race the whole season together so
Wyatt Pemberton:here is what I did notice about you is you your hashtag game is like on point your social media hashtag game is something else and you you've got one like I just laughed at it had another note Terry but it was like there's something about amigos like
Unknown:there's no talent no drama all amigo or no no egos
Wyatt Pemberton:no egos just amigos
Unknown:BB man we have so much fun in the VIP race, you know hammers is stressful, but we were just cruising man. We're just like talking about life. I don't even think we talked about the race the whole damn day we're looking at you know, the mountain the snowcapped mountains. We're like, Dude, this is amazing. And we just got out of the car and that that was the most fun I've had and on sometimes I'm not convinced it's a whole lot of fun. We had a good time. Well, don't don't
Wyatt Pemberton:drop too much. Because I'm not talking about k wage this year. So but back into the into San Felipe Bay. You guys got crossover, like Wednesday? Is that your plan?
Unknown:Yeah. Wednesday morning, Wednesday morning. We'll be there. We're going to pre run. Thursday, Terry Terry's doing the Sonora on the other side of the peninsula. So he's gonna show up and get in the car like Friday.
Wyatt Pemberton:Oh, really? So Oh, yeah. I didn't know. I didn't know there was a Terry tie in that was current. Okay.
Unknown:Yeah, yeah, man. He's meeting me down there. But he's not going to be able to prerunner anything with us or I don't even think he's going to be around for qualifying. So we're going to go down there. And
Wyatt Pemberton:that might be a bit rough. That might be a good thing now.
Unknown:We'll run a lap, at least Thursday. kind of do the Mexican thing. Hopefully. tacos and the beer and all that hang out and I will qualify it Friday and race Saturday man or woman. We're coming home Sunday. It's a kind of a quick trip, but I'm really looking forward to it. Man.
Wyatt Pemberton:I'm absolutely looking forward to it. We've got the Wednesday night here Wednesday night. We're gonna do the bintray session about this this race and we're gonna see what East Coast racers are gonna talk smack about? Yeah,
Unknown:I'm sure yeah.
Wyatt Pemberton:I love you know, I throw this out here every now and then. You know, the Casey Gilbert phone calls. And I got one this week. Casey going? Hey, man. Uh, well, it's like it's actually starts out this way. Hello. Hi. Yeah. Thinking about this. Why don't you do that show earlier in the week, so that you can have some more people on it more volume, but not the guys on the road driving. They're already at the race. I'm like, well, Casey, this is a good point. I'm glad you're bringing this up to my to my attention. One, the earlier day I could do it would be Tuesday. Okay. That is the one day of the week. I cannot schedule anything I've fully committed on Tuesday. So that puts it on Monday. Well, most in ultra for mean the ultra for team that work for over four. They're not even showing up to the site until Monday, Tuesday, sometimes Wednesday. So I'm waiting to ensure that the information I have when we kind of go live that night is like the best. It's like how many laps how many miles on a lap right enable details or nuances that ultra for needs to ensure get out there. We make sure we get it on there so that on Thursday morning, it's kind of out of court on Monday we like okay, it's doing laps. How many miles? JT is not even there. He's still flying. You know, and so that that's always in case he's like, Okay, good point.
Unknown:Gotcha. Yeah, you got the last minute registration. You guys too, right? Yeah. Can you keep it a secret?
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, I don't even know that. That's the case. I think it's really the case of you know, I love Alan Johnson. He's on top of it. And especially now that he is officially full time with ultra four. As those things come in. It's a little hard to constantly update the website. You know, every single time he looks at a new email, then he needs to run to the website. I know they're working on a new website that was supposed to kind of do that automatically as you register because you registered through the website, and then it popped up. But we're still on the manual process, but I do know Yeah. Allen has said, Hey, the most current list is what's up there. So that's what we go with it in various ways. There'll be four or five there'll be some stragglers that
Unknown:yeah, that's why somebody shows up at the race. They can't do that. This one. Yeah. They won't like your race.
Wyatt Pemberton:So in the fuel, you got to schedule fuel to get it down there. vp is delivering again, so you had to get your own son. I don't know what the last day for that was. I feel like that it already passed though.
Unknown:You got your fuel ordered, right? Yeah, yeah, sure. Now we're good. Yeah, we did that we did. Now they've been great this year, man. It was you know and again like I said, Tell JC gets there and he gets eyes on now everything's off for anyone's guess. But they're, they're really good job at letting everybody know, you know, hey, here's gonna be the mileage. You know, if you got a plan for you got to plan for fuel and stuff when you can't haul it with yourself. That's right. I think they're doing as good a job as they can. So
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah, and that's a no simply pays a little bit of unknown quantity versus like rush. They'd never been there before. I'll tell you JT right now him and good B. And bird which is a L rod. Yeah. They are at the buffalo chip in South Dakota right now. Sturgis, South Dakota working on the track for was that a month from edge? It's coming up pretty quick for Mike August. Yeah. So they're working on that track now and building you know, a little bit of So my understanding is it starts on the short course but then it goes way out and and good to be sent me some really good pictures they are on the insiders group have some ideas of kind of what the train looks like. It looks nice hilly, nice transitions. No trees. So yeah, I'm kind of really excited for that course. Because it's kinda
Unknown:it looks really cool. It looks really cool.
Wyatt Pemberton:And then the other new news I saw this week was nationals has officially landed on Oklahoma.
Unknown:I saw that I heard that last night.
Wyatt Pemberton:Did you remember? A year ago?
Unknown:No, man I went. So we you know, the only thing we raised last year was kayo. h i went to the Nationals last year kind of pitted for cage. Okay, so you've been wanting to go anyways, I've been there. I think it's a really great place to race man. I'm just worried, you know, the volatility of the weather. There's What?
Wyatt Pemberton:What you know, like tornadoes.
Unknown:Dude, you saw the videos from you know, a few years ago, and those cards are just over the hood and mud and stuff. And it's just like, oh my god. First the first race we ever get. I think the first time I've ever met Hartman man, it was a dirty turtle and he hauled his car down there and he didn't take out the trailer. He was like oh, not doing it. I was like that's pretty gangster move man.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, rush Yeah, we just since we just coming out rush Kentucky that was you know, flashback to that. I mean, one lap in and the only cars that you could see what they were was it was it was j handsome j you could still see his car because he rolled on lap one. So he was the only one I still kind of clean. I think that was just to make sure the sponsor logos were still clean. One lot longer than everybody else. Give the sponsors what they wanted. No. Yeah, I mean, yeah. David Hartman. I didn't know I mean, I can absolutely see David not not unloading but Oklahoma. It is a drivers track. It is a really it's kind of got the best of kyivstar Racing non kayo h it's really really good in that regard. It's just kind of near near nowhere and it doesn't have good spectator viewing that
Unknown:I think that's the kind of a bummer man was you know, I think everybody wanted it to be like Reno you know, wherever it is. And that's, you know, the grandstands and all that stuff, but was I guess we'll see man we're gonna party.
Wyatt Pemberton:I didn't that's the other side is a lack of accommodations real close on. And there's the one casino but it's our it's pretty booked up, then. So you got to go pretty far. So I don't know. It'll still be worth it. It won't matter. I mean, we will be around our friends. We're gonna be ripped out there's gonna be great race. Caspian burn.
Unknown:Yeah, it's gonna be great, man.
Wyatt Pemberton:It can't be mad. Funny story. This is how so how this went down. I am actually pretty busy at your work, and surprisingly enough, then. And this past week, Jesse Williams over on race on the rocks podcast. He covers all the rock bouncers could do. He posts up I believe it was in the insiders group about who does marketing the best, like who's the best marketing in our genre? And I think we all kind of know who the number one is. But under that, it's like we're all kind of sucking. Right. So it's it's Lauren Haley, Lauren, you know with Lauren's merger in partnership with Vaughn getting the the getting RTR media machine. I mean, they, I think they have more people on staff and marketing than they do on mechanics to race. I mean, they are, they're selling content and given Ford and monster and RTR. And I mean, covering the bronco they are, they are a marketing machine outside of that. I'm not sure who it is. So it was a great question from from Jesse who that was, but I think that got something going in your head. You started thinking about what am I doing from you know, I need to be doing more marketing, I need to be doing better marketing, right?
Unknown:Yeah, man, it's, you know, and I've learned it from your show, actually, you know, when you're talking, you listen to miles and Pam, and I'm talking about Hey, come talk to us. Because we don't know, you know, and, and I've been pretty bad. And, you know, for me, it's just about the foundation and the guys, man, it's not, I don't even know, and we'll maybe we'll get to this later if I if I even want to drive the car in the future. But it's like, man, if you guys, you know, people don't know, what were your belts about? And what GSM is about and kind of how we work together and what was driving us to go do this, then that's, that's my deficiency, right? I need to absolutely raise my hand. And, and we're bad at that. You know,
Wyatt Pemberton:I think a lot of people are but I mean, you hit you hit the nail squarely on the head. So you called me the other night? I guess what is that Monday night? Tuesday night? You called me the other night? And or no, you text me and said, Hey, can I talk to you when you have a chance to then I call you and we missed and you call me right back? And you start saying Hey, man, you know, I need to do a better job at marketing. What should I do? I think was your question, or roughly? And I'm like, Hey, I'll do you one better. I want to answer it. Let's mark it you right now. Come on the show this week. And we're gonna talk about, you know, gray squad Motorsports is who Michael London is. And then we're going to talk about the foundation with warrior. And here we are, and you're like, No way. No way.
Unknown:Dude. That's not always calling, but I'm not gonna tell you no.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, I gotta say no. And, you know, we talked as we talked about Terry earlier. Yeah, I listened to your show. By the way. Thank you. Thank you so much for liking the show and supporting the show and agreeing to come on, especially since we really don't know each other. I mean, I'm not scared to new people. And you're clearly aren't either. You said, I look up to these guys. And I'm gonna tell you, I look up to you. And I look up to you in such a regard that, you know, I was you 15 years ago, you know, I went to a race, or I thought about going to race or I thought I was going to race. Me being any number of guys that are in the sport and showing up on day one with a car that I didn't know anything about, you know, I knew about the car, but I didn't know. I didn't know how it worked. I didn't know how this, this whole thing goes down. I didn't know about how the pitting works. I didn't know how to all of that. And I love that our group mean you are not scared of that challenge.
Unknown:Right. Right.
Wyatt Pemberton:It's kind of it's a fraternity, right?
Unknown:It is. It totally is. And, you know, people, we came at it with like, no, no egos or anything, but we were also like, yeah, we're off roaders, man, you know, we got this. Yeah, man, there's a lot of X's and O's, you got to learn. And we learned a lot of them the hard way. But you know what, one of the most important things I learned is just ask people because everybody wants to help. You know, my dad had a pretty good line at, here's the first cable he ever raised. He was like, man, he was just blown away by the camaraderie and the pitch and stuff. And he's like, if you ever lose faith in humanity, just come hang out here for a week, you know, and just see how everybody bent over backwards for you, man. And we didn't ask enough questions when we first got started. But it took about one race to figure that out. Man, that's I think that's my favorite part is just learning all the moving parts, man. You know, because it's a lot more than just showing up with a car and step on the gas. Well, yeah,
Wyatt Pemberton:for sure. And then afterwards is not always about just cleaning the mud off of it. It's about going to the cooler and grabbing that beer and drinking it with other guys on the crew. Right?
Unknown:Yeah, man, the camaraderie and stuff and the Brotherhood and, dude, that's what keeps me going. As I look back at you know, any day we're at a race and we might have not been having a good day, you know, something, something would probably wasn't going right. But everybody's smiling. You know, my friends are there, my family's there. And it's like, this is what it's about, man. It's about getting everybody together and solving problems and then moving forward. Like, you know, man, sometimes it's just like, this sucks. You're having a bad day, but you look back and it's like, dude, we're having a blast. Let's face it. I mean, bracing Come on, and we're doing it with our friends and family. So
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah, it's it's not exactly as Matt How would say embracing the suck. It's, it might suck but it sure beats a good day and work
Unknown:anytime, anytime.
Wyatt Pemberton:So I gotta get a jab in there before we jump back to Basically history but how does it feel to have the king sandbagger? Casey Gilbert in your class? He raced against in a way
Unknown:I got a Casey Grover story for the for the first race we ever race and I don't know if you might talk about that yet but
Wyatt Pemberton:I see racing games hockey.
Unknown:Yeah, it was the first time we ever raced we had a The only ultra four car I could afford. It was well used, and not very well loved. And we didn't know man. Like I said, we didn't. We're like, dude, I grew up off roading. But we we rolled it off the trailer, put it in for low and that was it. You know, we're crawling rocks. We didn't I've literally never raced anything in my life or put a four wheel drive car high range until we are first off.
Wyatt Pemberton:Trial by Fire.
Unknown:I love it. Dude, we were as we were finishing that race or as Casey Gilbert was finishing that race. We were finishing our first lap. And I'll never forget we had our tower spotter, go That was 54 this is dirty turtle man. I don't know if it was like five mile laps. It took us 54 minutes to do one lap man. And I remember they're like Gilbert skin right of when we're like, cool. We didn't know he was but now he's fast. He's a great guy. I love I love watching all of his pictures of him getting shipped stock in places and he's always up to something out in the woods.
Wyatt Pemberton:Oh, he's a disaster. But I'm I mean, you've come a long way since then. I mean, you guys finished fifth at a finished it is very beefy. And then kayo h was was good deal.
Unknown:Man, we we ended up we ended up 10th at co h we started 91st Yeah, so we had a power steering pump. We sent it off that big jump that alright and get the belt. We quit funny man. We're sitting the car there ready to qualify. And we qualified super early in the morning. Terry goes there must not expect much out of us, man because first thing in the morning and all this class guys are going and we just launched it off that first job. And what we didn't know at the time is when we when we landed our brand new power steering pump. Let go. I got about halfway up that rock wall and I couldn't turn the car so we had to shut it down. So that bumps back to 91st man but dude, we got to get to 10 from there we were we were moving during the race.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, you guys finished 13th overall, but 10th in class. I mean yeah, that's you guys had a damn good day. I do want to I'm we're gonna talk about KLA trainer moment. But I need to jump back. So you're you grew up in Colorado Springs. You talked about wheeling,
Unknown:right? I did, man. Yeah, yeah, I grew up off roading with my dad now in Colorado Springs, most of my life. Did you know The level brothers? I did, man. And what's funny is we're pretty confident Brad's just a couple years younger than me. But they they grew up across town for me. But later on is you know, Brad got out on his own. And he funny enough story, man is where my grandmother used to live before she passed. He lived right across the street from Oh, wow. So Brad, Brad's been great to me man. I reached out to him when we first started to get some advice. And he's always super helpful, man. Just a really good dude. But yeah, we grew up kind of doing the same stuff in the same town. But we are just far enough away from each other that we didn't really run in the same circle. So
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah, you know, 40 years ago, you might have passed each other in the grocery stores, little kids and you you would write the you guys would be you know, door to door today and race it in, you know, the same class and tell me about that. I grew up in Colorado Springs
Unknown:was great man were my mom's family goes back like I think I was fifth generation on her side. from Colorado Springs. My dad was my dad was a military guy. And that's how he ended up his family ended up there but it was good man. I still I still own a house there. That's you know, I don't know that I'm gonna live there again or not, but it's always gonna be home. You know, the Pikes Peak is home now I see it I'm like that's that's the house and I've got nothing but a big giant family and all my best friends are still out there and it was great man. We were in the we were in the woods wheeling every weekend as a little kid, so much so that I kind of shunned it as a teenager You know, it was like we we've come out here to Moab twice a year. Like when I had Spring Break man we were going to Moab and it was like you know you get 1516 years old you want to chase girls hang out with your buddies. You know, I was like, Dad I don't know if we have to go to Moab again, I don't want to go off roading anymore. It's kind of you know, because that's all we did man and my dad you know we started out it was a it was a way to get to see really cool places. You know, we can fish and if you want to go to Wheeler lake or Grizzly or Holy Cross city, man, you got to have a you got to have a capable four wheel drive. And that's that's kind of how we started was to just get to cool places. You know, my dad's I guess I'm a lot like him and that The next thing I know he's got a pretty gnarly rig and he's the president of the car, Colorado four wheel drive, Association, whatever. Now we're, we're traveling all over the country off road. And then like I said, I kind of shunned it as as a younger guy. And when I had my kids, man, I was like, I got it. I got to show these guys these places. So I bought a Jeep, you know, what you do you buy a Jeep, and Well, here we are, but it gets out of hand. And yeah, it always gets out of hand right?
Wyatt Pemberton:turns into something else. Then next thing you know, you're buying it for four cars. And that's it, man calling your friends into going to Mexico and,
Unknown:exactly, it'll be fine. It's like, Yeah.
Wyatt Pemberton:Like we've heard the story somewhere. So when did you finally get out of Colorado Springs? I know you end up in DC did you end up? I think you're a military guy. I'm fairly certain.
Unknown:I was I joined the military man. I went to, you know, basic training, went to school and all that and my first duty assignment was off Vegas. Rough. I was like, I'm 21 years old, and I've got to go to Las Vegas. So when did that for a few years, man and I end up in Omaha. Oh,
Wyatt Pemberton:were you Air Force then?
Unknown:I was Yeah. Okay.
Wyatt Pemberton:So you're an officer?
Unknown:Yeah. Yeah, I was at off it. First duty station was Nellis. And then I got out. That was right around 911. I was actually out processing when that happened. I ended up moving back home to Colorado Springs for a few years. And then I ended up on the East Coast for several you like many former servicemen looking for a job and your skill set based on your skill set, you
Wyatt Pemberton:end up your private contractor for the military, or the government or somebody?
Unknown:Yeah, so I'm, I'm self employed. I'm an independent contractor. I do. You know, somewhere along the lines, I got the Air Force. I started working for some special mission units and stuff. So I got Yeah, I just kind of fell into the civilian side of that. And I self employed man, I do training, advisory and consulting for a lot of different units. But that's fun.
Wyatt Pemberton:keeps me busy. Keeps me traveling, meeting cool new people every day. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And then handing off your skill set to them. Right? Yeah, that's great. Man. That was always fun. You know, I love teachers. By the way, I know myself, if I can't teach anything, like, I do not have any patience on the worst. Everything from simple, you know, teaching my kid math, like, how to use an impact guy. I mean, it's Yeah, I just had no patient. Give that to me. You know?
Unknown:Yeah, just throw yourself right.
Wyatt Pemberton:But you guys that do you know, you're, you know, in your genre, your subject matter expert, and then to find guys that one or that, but then to can be able to convey that to other folks is even just a cooler detail. So that's what you do today, right?
Unknown:Yeah, man, I got to travel all over the world and consulting and advising and training and helping out wherever they need me.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, they've asked you everywhere, DC though. So let's talk about DC for a minute. So you're there during basically the, certainly most of the Trump years. Were there more years before that?
Unknown:Yeah, man. I was there for I think eight years. And I've only been here two. So yeah, that's part of Obama. And
Wyatt Pemberton:then most of all, the Trump I guess. Yeah. I mean, what was the feel and in DC when there was the change? When we went from Obama to Trump,
Unknown:you know, it DC proper, which I I then and still kind of avoided like the plague was,
Wyatt Pemberton:as you should we all should?
Unknown:Yeah. You know, I think you know, how that goes out there. But it's funny man, because I lived in in a little town called Warrington. And, you know, I don't know how familiar you are with kind of Northern Virginia. But even when you're out in the rolling hills, and it's kind of horse country. You're still surrounded by like, millions of people, there's just trees between you but that kind of that that line, man were kind of DCMS and it was a real Virginia starts is definitely pretty stark contrast.
Wyatt Pemberton:My Word is pretty, definitely a little bit better descriptor. You got two kids, right? I mean, you've got but one's fairly grown. Right? I'm gonna say
Unknown:yeah, yeah, he's 26. man. He's awake. Okay. Yeah, he lives in Colorado Springs full time.
Wyatt Pemberton:That's kind of gonna date you. I mean, it's kind of gonna be like an old guy. No, do not look like an old guy. Like an old dude. Look at this hair.
Unknown:I had a barber recently. She's like, She's like, why did you go gray? And I did and I went gray in high school. And she's like, honey, that ain't gray. That's why I was like, Well, alright, fair enough.
Wyatt Pemberton:Why can't you like Santa Claus?
Unknown:Colonel Sanders, man. Yeah,
Wyatt Pemberton:you're here. You're high and tight. Right?
Unknown:Yeah, so I had a kid young I had I was 20 years. He's in Colorado Springs man. He's, he's literally a rock star man. He plays the drums in a couple of bands. They actually I think their album Tuesday, just released and I think they've already moved like 100,000 copies or something. He's killing it and he's COVID kicked off. They were in Canada on schedule to spend that summer in Europe touring and then they kind of that how that went. But now he's doing his thing, dude, he's, he's touring the countries. He's been around the world and he's playing the drums. So super proud of them.
Wyatt Pemberton:So not unlike you. I mean, you you toured the world. You are a rock star.
Unknown:he's a he's a, he's an amazing drummer, man. And then I have a 17 year old here with me in Moab. That is, he's a junior in high school. So he's got one morning here.
Wyatt Pemberton:So are you just you have have him out in the shop or engine? Is he learning that? Or is he
Unknown:the man? No one for a lot. Moderate, okay, moderate inches, you know, we're trying to get him in the car. You know, like, dude, get in here. Hopefully, that's where, you know, we can go next step maybe. But he he's super handy. He's been around forever. He, he's a big help. He's a big house and he came out to hammers and man it was it was cool to see him. You know, he just looked around to come up just a few minutes to get his bearings and he kind of knew what to do and that, you know, I know a lot of grown men that can do.
Wyatt Pemberton:Pre started. So when's his 18th
Unknown:he just turned 17 man two weeks ago. So he's April.
Wyatt Pemberton:Okay, so you can get him for mid the last half the next season. There we go. And certainly make that a little segue here. So in jump jumping around a little bit, we were talking about marketing, you're racing the whole West series this year. So that puts you at Callaway stuff put you up Moab that puts you in San fleabay for next year. You've already kind of said hey, I'm not going to race the full series but I'm going to pick and choose my races that make the most sense for warrior bill and for coverage and for media. So
Wyatt Pemberton:I assume you qH is clearly on there that's that's the big one for me meant 400 and I think I saw on maybe on a questionnaire or maybe we you said it you're looking at Nora Yeah, that'd be a that's just a fun one. That's That's a good one to do for fun. What else lands in your bucket list of races to hit during that
Unknown:man I think you just named them all man we wanted to do the minute we wanted you to make because it's the mat right?
Wyatt Pemberton:Oh God it is.
Unknown:Yeah, Nora I mean you're every person that's ever been and I haven't been but everyone's like Dude, that's the most fun you can have a race Yeah, I hear that from from several people and brand you know i he's like man level we've had this conversation a couple times he's like we do it with five people because you know it's always intimidating like Dude, I don't need I don't have to help I don't how do we how do you even pull that off? He's like two guys in the race car three guys in the chase truck and go you know
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, and they take your bread and Roger they take their sons in there they they do it on razor? Yeah, this year. I think Brad was on a bronco but I think I definitely saw by a man in their four seat razor bit so I don't know exactly levels they're always they're always at a race doing something but I saw it's something that they do with their boys so I can see that being you know nor will be at a point where you realize you may have missed some school but I think he's gonna learn more learn more you eat and Dustin region in Mexico with his bad then he will get out of those two or three days in school. Okay, mom's you didn't hear that your mouth smile.
Unknown:Now, you're absolutely right now that's hammers. This is the first time you got to go and I was like, man, you'll never forget the week we spent together at hammers, but you will never remember what you did that week at school. So I wrote all this teachers are taking them out of school for a week. It's called whatever. He's a great student, man. He's a straight A student anyways, and Mike, we're fine. Yeah, we didn't he had it. He had a blast. Where did
Wyatt Pemberton:you guys pit at hammers? You guys are in hammer town north.
Unknown:Yeah. So we were it was me and Hartman and Kevin Condon. We're all under one tent. Right. And Cade was right. And TK was just right next to me. So So you guys are kind of on that
Wyatt Pemberton:first row, outside of the short course.
Unknown:Yep, yep. So
Wyatt Pemberton:facing the 18 wheelers like the Yep, yep. Okay. I know. I know about where you were. You were I mean, I didn't see you. But Portia was over in that area. He was at the very end of that row, which would be the north end of it. I wish I knew the street names. I don't know the street names. I know there's a spider tracks in a worn way. That's all I get. I don't know what those
Unknown:are. I couldn't tell you there. But yeah, man. It was. We had a Kevin Condon who's got a new I think was his first year racing. He's the guy that had that unfortunate. He was shocking and and wanted that. Jimmy's car up pretty bad. If you remember any of that. I don't know. Yeah, he was out brand new car man and they got it ready man, they raced it. And then Dave Hartman was right next to me. And Kate was just on the other side of me so Hartman's a character I like that guy yeah loving man.
Wyatt Pemberton:So guys got to stick together yeah yeah he's he's one of them other guys it looks he's a lot older than he looks Yeah, yeah, he looks like a young guy. I so so you guys, you and your son you live in their mo Are you given him the same you know kind of a outdoor you know push that your dad gave you or you guys out you know energy, you know hitting some slick rock on a regular basis or?
Unknown:Yeah, man. We spent a lot of time out on the trails man I bought a so his first vehicle is my old TJ avid TJ on curries and five speeds supercharged it's a handful, you know, outside of Moab. I don't think I'd let him drive it because it's so highly it's a highly modified gj right? I taught him how that's how he learned how he learned how to drive on that vehicle. I was like dude, if you can drive this you're golden. I mean, that's that's his daily driver man he's cruising out we take that out quite a bit I got a foresee cam and I did wasn't a big side by side guy until I moved here. And I was like, wait a minute, these things are street legal. So I got I bought a four seat cannon and put plates on it and started modifying it and dude that is like my goat that's my daily driver man. Unless the weather's bad. I just drive the camera everywhere grocery store, doctor's office What are and a call to trail mo man and we we loaded up with a cooler and we that's kind of our jam as well just go see the sights, man just because you could you could just cover so much ground and spent all day I want to list names as
Wyatt Pemberton:just comfortable. And I'm so envious of you guys that live in locations where you can do that the first time. You know, I'm rolling into Lake Havasu City to go see easy Rick and freakin razor rolled up the light next to me and I'm like, I was gonna get in trouble. No, they're legal in the red. And he did. He took off in the light and I'm watching me I'm pulling 24,000 pounds in race. He takes off I see the plate and I'm like, I didn't think plated. What the hell? Yeah.
Unknown:The first few the first few times I was driving it around. I know I was completely legal at the license plate registration insurance all that I still felt like I was doing something wrong, you know? Like, but it's it's great, man. Yeah, if I ever moved here, if I ever moved to a state where I I can't drive it every day. I don't I don't think I'd own it. I wouldn't trailer it to the trail. You know, but it's It sure is cool to cruise around town. And, and then.
Wyatt Pemberton:So I know more police are pretty strict, strict and stringent on, you know, like mud flaps and all of that. How do they handle that for the razors?
Unknown:You know, I think as long as you're legal and respectful manner, they're pretty, pretty mellow. You know, it's not really the local law enforcement, in fact that the one and only conversation I ever had with the police chief here, we're standing in line at a restaurant, he's wearing a king off road racing shop. And he you know, we started talking and he's like, Yeah, man, it's a lot of these guys are off rotors. So they get it. But you know, the city council's a whole nother? Well, that's it. That's right.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah. And that's kind of the problem with the liberal cities.
Unknown:Right. And, you know, man, I mean, a lot of it, you know, I'll say the offer community, you know, some of that is self induced man, you know, it is out people do people do come here, and they're not street legal. And they're ripping around town all hours of the night, and they got their music playing and their buggy whips lit up and they're, you know, or going off trail or I can't tell you how many times I've been in one of the national parks where it's clearly illegal. You have all noticed morning in the world to not drive a side by side in there. And people still do it. And it's like, you know, we keep we can't have the high ground with these people that are trying to shut this down when got, you know, at least common denominator out here acting like they own the place. So I get both sides. But you know, this is a this is this town. Tourism in this town is built on off roading. And it's in danger, man, it really is. Easter Jeep Safari was, you know, canceled them back on and canceled them back on and canceled and back on and then ultimately that being on But yeah, I mean,
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah, why give them mo and I think we as a community do a pretty good job policing. But we just can't be everywhere all the time.
Unknown:Right, right.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah. It seems to be there's always somebody somewhere that especially when it comes to side by sides, you can walk into a player stealer. They pass it back to you know, a credit check and you roll out with one. That's how you get one. Did you imagine if that's all it took to get a trophy truck. Right? And that you could do it on payments or 4400 car right? You might have, you know, just Hey, you, hey, come race 4400 because you can pay 500 bucks a month on it.
Unknown:No, you're right, man. You're right. You're right.
Wyatt Pemberton:But on the other side, I kind of want that to happen. Like
Unknown:she already got a trophy truck for 500 a month. I'll go in.
Wyatt Pemberton:I still have money for beer left. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I'm one of those guys. I can afford the truck. I can't afford to race it.
Unknown:That's it, man. I was out. I was out at Nick Nelson shop over the winter. He's got that really cool. All Wheel Drive trophy truck sitting there. And he's like, it's for sale. Like, dude, if I had that. I couldn't do anything with it.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, you know, it's in my shop just like it sits in Nick's shop. Nick is an amazing fabricator. Great dude. built that thing. It is amazing. But he, you know, with what he does, he can't afford. It looks great sponsor. And when he's in it. God, he's fast as hell. But yeah, it's they're expensive. I mean, for me, 4400 is expensive. I mean, it's, it's not for the faint of heart. I don't know, if somebody told me what he was trying to convince me about. It was kind of some budget stuff around racing. I was like, man, whoever told you racing, like cheap. You know, it you
Unknown:expect it's so expensive. And it takes there's so much there's so much work that goes into it? You know, you know? Yeah, well,
Wyatt Pemberton:that's the other thing is time. Well, I mean, it isn't just dollar cost. It's right. It's It's time cost. And, and what that does with, if you aren't working on that car, especially on a small team, where it's just you and cannon buddies into it, that's how I was, if you're not working on the car, then no one's working on the car. And if you're working on the car, then nobody's at home, and you're not with the kids and you're not with your wife, you're not there, right, you're, you're absent. On one side of the coin, or the other side of the coin, there's, there's not two of you can't clone each other. And some of these guys, you know, if you got the shop at your house, I've never been in a situation where I've had to shop at my house, my shop, you know, I've got a big shop, but it's 18 miles away. So which is sometimes good. But then it's also sometimes bad because you're kind of in your head, when you're there, you turn on that, that other side of your your mind and you crank, you know, some AC DC in the back or some Led Zeppelin and you go to a different place. And next thing, you know, six hours later, you're still working and your wife's now called you 30 times but because the phone is sitting over on the workbench across the shop, you didn't see that she she called and then she shows up thinking that maybe a car fell on you and you're not sure if she's, you know, she's crying because she's excited you saw your she's crying because you weren't crushed by a car like but, but I know you've written down some stuff that I'd read that but you you struggled with that you know all your time working, working abroad for for the government, you know, it's you know, you're guilty on one side of the coin or the other either, you know, you've got this, this dedication to dedication, a country and this, you know, this feeling and belief that you've got to do what you're doing, you signed up for it, you have this this level patriotism in your heart, or you're at home with your wife and the you know, the kids and boys, and then you're missing that other side. So that's part of, you know, part of the warrior built issues, you know, what's going on mentally the middle, the middle fights that guys set up. So how have you dressed that in your life?
Unknown:Yeah, it's tough man. Or, you know, we're, I guess we're getting out of Afghanistan now. But a lot, you know, there's a lot of guys who've been going there for 20 years. And a lot of Americans kind of forgot, you know, that that was even happening. And it's, I know, I spent way more time over there. And in places that, you know, looking back, it's just like, I was there doing the right thing doing doing what I do and doing it with my brothers but man a family share, pay? And I don't know, you know what the answer to that is other than organizations like warrior bill, guys can lean on each other guys can talk about things, from deeply personal to just be asking about, you know, racing or whatever. When I first met a link up with Nick Hamm, the founder of barbell foundations, like me, and this guy just clicked, you know, and I've seen what he does. One of the most selfless individuals I've ever met, I mean, what they do for people, and 95% of it, nobody knows, except for the guy that did it for, you know, his family that and that's I'm just, I was all in on on working with them and trying to support them. And if we're all just one big family man, and there's that brotherhood that just comes from kind of our backgrounds and what we do for a living anyways, and then combine that with other things like, you know, other commonalities, whether it be Racing or
Wyatt Pemberton:I think what you're hitting on there is the stressors aren't unique. From guy to guy to guy. Yeah, I mean, a guy may feel I mean, I mean, I see I'm clearly see it in. And you know, some of the other guys that I know doing this is that you feel like you're you're, you're at this alone, right that no one can help you because yeah, I am who I am, I'm, I'm tough, I can control this, I can handle this, I nothing's gonna beat me, yada, yada. But at the same time, there's 1000s and 1000s of other humans that have done and gone through very similar or same or close to, I'm not gonna say anyone any unique individual has does not have a unique story. They absolutely do. Everyone has their own little different version of it. But the fact is, you can help or people can help you sure there is options for getting your mental health, getting yourself right in the world. And finding finding purpose again, or finding your place or like I said, just helping other folks. And I think that's the that's the coolest thing I've seen out of your brain to begin and involvement. He's a guy that struggles somewhat mentally around that stuff. And just as a good friend of mine, I support everything that he's doing. And I've seen like, what when he started getting involved warrior built what it did to my friend, right what I saw, yeah, do to him. I was like, y'all don't have to sell me on anything. Like I witnessed a transformation. Somebody that doing wrong, he had purpose every day, he had passion every day, but there were days that it wasn't as prevalent. And guess what, he was struggling with something. And it was just under the surface. And then he found a tight group to work through. And I think it's awesome. I mean, I think it's awesome that you guys have those groups.
Unknown:Yeah, you got it, man. I mean, there's a lot of them. So there's a lot of help that people can can reach out, you know, but like you said, it's, you know, the guys that do kind of that that line of work or are type A guys anyways, and sometimes they're too cool for help. But I think I think that that stigma is kind of getting over man. And at least it needs to be and I think a lot of guys that I really respect that. You know, kind of the ultimate tough guys in my eyes. Hey, man, it's okay to lean on your brows and ask for some help and talk about some stuff. So I'm super excited to be involved with it. And and man, I'd want to raise we start racing. And just release for me, man, you know, therapy. Let's go. Let's go do something.
Wyatt Pemberton:Perhaps it's been great. It's been great. So what was the catalyst that gets you to go to King of the hammers? 2018 as a spectator? Who got you there? How do you how do you show up?
Unknown:You know, I don't know if you remember man. But it seemed to me that ultra for racing was on like cable TV every week. It was they had a series Yeah. So I was I was watched that man. And I'd be like, this is cool. You know, and I had a buddy at the time I went from a, you know, Ford or jku on one tons and 40 twos to a buggy and I was cruising that buggy and super happy. And I started watching Oliver for on TV. And I was like, This is insane. And I heard a king of the hammers from way back and watch all the YouTube videos. But the the week I look forward to that show every week. I was actually overseas man and and my trip got cut short. So I was coming back and I called my buddy Nate and he's he's a guy that if Terry's not in the right seat, Nate is nice been, you know, we've all got we've all got that guy in our life that we can call and he's gonna do you know, hey, let's go do something really dumb. And he's like, I'm in you know? Let's go. Right? He's He's that we grew up together, man. He's, he's, he's been a real important part of my life, my family's life. And I call him I said, Hey, man, I'm coming home early. We're going to King of the hammers. I'm making Vegas. He's like, see you there. So we went out. We watched. I watched we did what everybody does when you go to Kenya and for the first time you go to back door, I went to back door, we watched the UFC guys come down. I watched the guy flop on that first ledge, coming down to the big drop. And it took him forever. And he finally got him righted. And then he drove I don't know, what is that? 2030 feet, and he flopped again. And I was like, all right, dude. Like,
Wyatt Pemberton:I can do better than these
Unknown:guys. We could do this man. Like, we've been doing this anyways. You know, we hung out watched as much of the race as we could we're, you know, that was our first time ever being here is like sensory overload. You know, we're like, this is amazing. So we're get back to Vegas. And we do what guys do in Vegas, we sit down a bar and we start drinking. I'm like, Alright, dude. When I get home, I'm selling my body, a unit that I've been working with at that time frame and just taking a bunch of losses. And I knew that a guy that ran a charity that was helping those families out. And I was like, why isn't anybody you know, like the marathon runners do why isn't anybody doing these endurance races for charity. I was like, what I'll do it. Like we'll do it. That'll make that'll We'll do it. And then we can go race and we'll raise some money and we'll give this shot. And that's what we did. Man, I went home and sold my buggy and bought the only ultra for car before. And we went and raced out a couple of times, figured out we were doing it the hard way, with a, you know, a car that needed a lot, a lot of work and wasn't very competitive. You're still having fun. We're having a blast, a blast, but, you know, we want to do well because it's whether you show up and you know, it's it's actually heartening, man. He's like, dude, you're doing this the hard way. Because we're always working on something always chasing some problem, you know, and I started talking to Randy rod about it and didn't have a pretty good friends, man. And he put me in a car took a long time to get it, to me put me in a really competitive car with things that work of art. Those guys, they killed it. I'm probably saved between the prep and the original build and the crap and kind of my OCD. And so it's finished every racist started. So knock on wood. I can tell you that next week. But
Wyatt Pemberton:hey, you've
Unknown:we went to hammers to watch? Or like, do we got this? Then it was kind of like, hey, let's drink some whiskey. And like, we're gonna, this is what we're gonna do. And then we're doing it, man. So. So walk me
Wyatt Pemberton:through the racing racing for miles for dollars. I've heard the concept. I'm just not familiar with it for you. And I caught wind of it for you. ways that you know, us as a community are in the racing family can raise dollars towards for warrior bill and where it goes to these, you know, families that have suffered losses abroad.
Unknown:Sure, man. So the concept was, you know, there's a there's a website, and there's a few different ways to do it. But there's a there's a site called up legit, and they handle everything, the money, they're just they handle people go on there. And what do you do? What you do is you basically, you set up a campaign. In our case, we do it the first hammers we did really well, we did pretty good for worrying about this last one. But I think we started a little late, people can go on and they can, they can pledge a flat rate, or they can pledge any amount per mile that we finished hammers. And then at the end, we tally it up, and it all goes directly to the charity. We're just the kind of vehicle literally out there doing the work, but they the money just gets passed through. We don't touch it. It goes it all goes to before you go too much further, when you reach out to me about hey, what I need to know about marketing stuff, and hey, I said come on. You actually have a website. Most most race teams do not have their own website. Yeah, they have a Facebook page or whatever. But you actually have a website. It's race. Je s m, which stands for gray squad Motorsports.
Wyatt Pemberton:So race gsm.com you go there, you've got to it's just one page, but at least it's got pictures. It shows the 4825 Virginians car, but right up there on the upper right in big red box as pledged here. You click that and it takes you to that basically hammers for heroes proceeds benefiting the warrior belt foundation. And you have the ability to a pledge money towards towards you completing stuff. Right, right. Yeah, yeah,
Unknown:yeah. And we we did pretty well, man. We you know, what's funny is the first time we did it, we didn't finish hammers in the first car. And we made for for a different charity. We made about 25 grand for a day's worth of outracing hammers. It's Dude, it's great. It gives us you know, it gives us a goal. It gets money to do the right charities that are doing stuff for for the right people, and
Wyatt Pemberton:you need to get it updated for for San fleabay.
Unknown:Well, we're not doing that we're not doing the charity thing for San Felipe Bay.
Wyatt Pemberton:Oh, man, I was gonna donate right here while I'm looking at it.
Unknown:No, I appreciate that. That was kind of like one of the reasons we're going to get them in and then no, or at some of these longer races is that we can we can ask people to get behind us and cheer us on. And you know, the first year we did it, man, we asked all kinds of algebra guy we had. We had all kinds of people sign up and move the way we had the pledge set up as you could pick your favorite driver didn't have to be me because nobody knows who the hell I am. They could pick your favorite driver and pledge we're changing their mileage. We are and I appreciate it. But we could change. You could pledge. KC Gilbert did it. Hartman a lot of people we had a lot of people kind of get on board with us. And you as Yrp go Hey, man, my favorite. You know 4600 driver, pick him. I'm betting he's gonna you know, I'll give him $1 a mile and see how he does and that's I think that's why we did so well the first time but I think it's a cool concept man. It's nothing new but nobody's doing it an ultra for we are Yeah, I
Wyatt Pemberton:mean, yeah, let me know the next time are you posting the insiders group on Facebook, you know, when the next one is you guys have set up and ready to go. I mean, there's a there is 88 miles, you're supposed to do this coming Saturday. So I mean, we could we could have bet on that. I think it's just saying how I mean I don't know if I will put money on you to win but you're smart. Yeah. I mean, it's out there. I mean, it's you guys are racing for laps. 20 miles here in a week. I mean, such an effort now I'm just playing with you. Yeah, please keep the community like up and aware when you guys decide to roll it out again. Absolutely. Mint 400. You know, next spring would be great. That'd be a really good one. That's such a fun deal. So, so you're going through the old car, then you end up with the new car talking to the Randy's crew. And enough people convinced you that Yeah, and you can commit yourself right? You need the new car, you need the the Jimmy's car, super competitive. We've seen what cades done with it kids, great driver, and great equipment. There's a long pedigree of people that have had lots of success in Jimmy's cars. So zero doubt about that. Now on prep, do you prep yourself? Or do you have a I don't, man,
Unknown:I don't have one. If I had the time, it would take me three times longer than it does everybody else. I am involved. I do a lot of it. But lately, I've been sending the car to Clint Kenan from Kenan racing fabrication, which I don't know if you know who he is. I don't think I'm going to get him in trouble. But he works full time for Lauren and Vaughn. Monday through Friday. He was involved in my build. He's a really great guy. And he reached out to me early on this season was like man, what can I do to help? And I was like, Oh, I'm glad you asked man. Cuz you know, like you said I'm constantly traveling and when I'm when I am here I'm a single dad. I bet like it's it's a lot and I'm working out of a two car garage. So I've leaned on a lot of people to help and Clint has been absolutely amazing with the prep so that's his night and weekend job down there and i think i think i drive him nuts because man a poor dad drives home you know he he commutes up to his house which is not an hour and a half two hours away from the phone however shop and then he works on my car until he goes to sleep and then I try to get down there and help and his great family and that you know I gotta love that guy's he's he's young man it's like a you know you forget kids 21 Clinton other young guy, and it's just really meticulous. You know, he he's been around for racing forever. And sometimes, man, you know, like, I'll just send the card on there just having a look at it. Because you I'm sure you if you're like me, man, you as soon as you get another set of eyes on something you're like, dude, I looked at that 100 times. I didn't see that.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, that's some some of that too close to the trees to see the forest or vice versa. But yeah, absolutely. Person eyes Always. Always does wonders, you know, you have your checklist and on my checklist guy you as you check down, invariably something's in that's the thing. It's something always gets missed or in even the ones that nothing gets missed. You get everything. Then you still have the 30 cent fuse or the 10 cent O ring that ends up desire. That's when it wants to exit stage. Right?
Unknown:Yeah. But he's helped me out a lot, man. I've all been all the guys at Jimmy's have had you know, they were all they've all had their hand in the bill. They've all had their hand in prep in some way or another. Nick Nelson's helped out with a bunch of stuff. You know, it's just man, I'm all ears. And it's really cool to be surrounded by people that know what they're doing. Want to help. So
Wyatt Pemberton:my buddy Mike C word over there. Yeah, he's a Texan. Miss that guy. I want to get to see him and him and Laurie. You know, they're just good people. It was really cool to see when he moved up there. But I catch up with him in that.
Unknown:Yeah, but he's a great guy, man. And he's, he was he was really man when when we came across that finish line the first time and that cars we didn't the car that the 48 p were driving now, I didn't drive it until qualifying. Because we were having some transmission issues. And I kind of no faith and that's when we didn't do the charity thing that year because I was like, dude, I'm not gonna ask people to bet on us and put a charity out there and never even get to the start line and this car like we literally picked it up on our way to hammers and but man, we came across that line and they might see Where's their man? And he you know, it was like, we got a little emotional man because he got it he put a lot of time all those guys did. You know like I said, I think that thing's a work of art man.
Wyatt Pemberton:Those guys are those guys are artists and they treat them like their babies to like, like when they when they leave, you know, they talk about my like, that was my baby. That was summer 2019 took him from an infant all the way up to
Unknown:I'm on right with you, ma'am. I can order great people. And he brought with me in the car once last year, and we had a great time and
Wyatt Pemberton:I like it. So okay, so let's let's jump forward. We'll we'll skip some stuff. We'll skip some parts here. So qH this year. Tell me about it. So you guys again, you finished 10th 13th in EMC walk me through that race. How did that race go for you?
Unknown:Well qualifying we kind of learned the flighted man because we were I think we were on pace to just crush it and qualify. And I was just like I, you know, I'm sitting there. I'm like, sitting here waiting for the green flag and I'm like, Alright, man, I'm just gonna stand it. Mechanical issue bumped us back. So you're like, well, this is gonna suck fighting through all this traffic and Gus, but Terry and I talked about it and we're like, Hey, man, let's just know one thing that I've tell everybody and meet me in tears talking about it several times is one, Bro, I can't afford another one of these. So if I want this up, it's over. It's over. I will never race again. So I'm gonna err on the side of caution, man. I'm a little more conservative than a lot of guys, I think but it's like, dude, I would rather race a bunch more than get first place and or maybe wreck this car. We were cruising man, obviously. But we got about halfway back to the main on lap one. There's a helicopter other scenarios. We're doing a whole lot better. And we think we are.
Wyatt Pemberton:So that's what I was gonna ask. Like, when you take a back of the pack, right? Yeah, I mean, you're, you're 91 off the line are somewhere in there. And you're going to come across 13th in the MC 10 thing. In 1400. That means you passed at some cars.
Unknown:We passed a lot of cars, man. How did that we were we were crews. It felt awesome. It felt awesome. And what was cool is some you know, we picked them off a lot in the desert. But when we hit the rocks, man, we think it outer limits. We got around an entire pond boy. You know, it was just like Terry, you know, Terry jumps out and you see something and he's like, come on, and we just, it was cool, man. We shot her. I couldn't even tell you. We must have passed 10 cars just right there at once one spot, you know, and we just kept doing that and kept doing that. And right about the time he goes, man, we're all we're done. We're good. We've been through everything. I flopped it. Oh. So I don't even know how or why man fatigue. I completely missed the line tried to drive out of it, put it on its lid. And dude, we were at like the end of sunbonnet. All we had to do was get back on the dirt and drive it home. And it took us because we were wedged. We were wedge pretty bad. And the winch didn't want to we can't break one slides. And I think it took us 3545 minutes to get back on our background are all fours.
Wyatt Pemberton:How many people got by Yeah.
Unknown:At that point? Yeah, not very many. But you know, at that point, man, I was blown. I was like, man, because I just recruited back and this is you know, I looked at one of the things I learned, you know, tearing off talking about the sense he's pushing me pushing me pushing me and I want I just want to finish you know, I just my mind is like, dude, let's just get the car home. And he's, he's yelling at me. He's like, Man, you need to be making up time right here. And I'm like, we're good. I'm trying to get the car back in the day, man. I'd have to look at it again. It's been a while but the difference between tanton like fifth was just seconds. And I you know, it just goes to show you that we just one one mistake and you're screwed because we had a really good race man. Just one one screw up and it was 100% my fault. Put it on its lid in a bad spot. Yeah, we just do all the hard stuff. Be features like I'm not worried about these rocks. You only roll over on flat ground.
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, he know you want to talk about Yeah, I mean, that's a that's a pretty bad deal. But we can talk about one of the most famous ones was Josh Bleiler rolling on that ledge you were just talking about? Right? Yeah, minutes ago, dropping into a backdoor. Well, I saw he's just for no reason.
Unknown:I mean, that's right. That's
Wyatt Pemberton:basically first of all the oil runs out. Like Dang it, you know, so you only get a kick yourself at that point, right? It's like, you gotta blame yourself on that man. So you guys get it together and you live out after the desert and you get in? What was your level of elation as you pulled across the stage? And then having the conversation with the you know, the announcers who was the announcer that stuck his head his mic in your window at that point?
Unknown:I don't remember man. That's good. Somebody I'm not familiar with.
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, I think that sometimes you know, like it's like your wedding night right? You don't I don't remember much from it. But yeah, you're you've made it right. You just went through this grueling marathon and you're there
Unknown:It felt great man and you look down and you see you know Excel the guys from Jimmy's and all the wire bill guys there and my kids there and now we finished mme, and that's we wanted to make as much money for the foundation as we could. And that's the best we could do, man.
Wyatt Pemberton:I think y'all killed it man. I think That's I think that's all right the reason why you're doing it and then there's something else on top of it you know many of us we just get in the car for ourselves you're getting in the car you know representing you much more than that way way way much more than that but I don't want to go too far down that path but from day one deciding you know, you you you catch your the K wage bug on TV, you've seen it on it's like CSI, CBS Sports, they ran you know, the road to the hammers. You know, a lot of will Gentile stuff in there. Just absolutely love that series. It did. It seemed like it took a while. Ah, it took over for kind of the next level, we got a lot of new blood in the field. Like, if I look at the UTV entry list, and even some of the MC stuff. I don't know. I don't know the guys, you know, and that's why, you know, you're a great example, you get you on here. My first season I brought mate Jesse on, who's this guy, I don't know this guy. I really grabbed somebody on the field that can talk about what it's like today to go from where you were at. into now you're this ultra for off road racer. how cool that is on the current now. Yeah, yeah, you're just cheese and you're in? Yeah, yeah. Yeah.
Unknown:No, you know what, man? I'm not. And I told him I told that to miles, man. I'm like, dude, I tell Mike Mike's ears like don't ever say that again. But I'm like, dude, I'm not like, I don't fancy myself like a racer like I like i'd love all for like off roading is kind of my lifestyle has been forever. This is just kind of taken it to as far of a level as I can take it to at least, you know, but
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, I'm here to disagree with everything you're saying. Right now, right now your fourth and fourth international points. headed into San fleabay. You had a 10th place cailleach finish which out of a racist started around 100. Around 40 finished in the MC and you end up in that and you started at the back of the pack. I mean, I'm gonna tell you right now that you've got to be a wheel man to pull that off. And then you go into Moab. And you had a great finish there. Dude, you're looking like a champ you've got kind of a world is set up in front of you, in my opinion. And again, that's why I knew your name. I was like, Who is this guy like I've seen this. So let's have this conversation, man. Just Just such fruit as timing on on reaching out this week, as we kind of you look through your race program, which, you know, it's it's thrown together, right? It's, you're still a dude having fun, and you're convincing your friends to go have fun with you. And, and hopefully you're gonna have alijah having fun with you. What's kind of the next steps after you you've talked about or alluded to? I shouldn't say talking about like some easter eggs about not driving you if Elijah likes it. And you guys raised snore together. What's that future look like? What's mentally Where you going? I'm not saying you're an old guy. Cuz I again, we talked about this earlier. I don't think you're old. At all. You're far from it. I'm gonna guess. Are you are you 4041 4246? Man? 46 I'll see I spotted you five years and then you can claim.
Unknown:I look like I'm 60. So you're I don't know if you're drinking over there.
Wyatt Pemberton:It's a water. It's It's sweet. And time is just Oh, God. Yeah, guy. So yeah, what is you've alluded to Easter eggs out there. I love to hear this. Plotting, planning an exit strategy. I want to hear how
Unknown:Yeah, so I just you know, like I said, Man, I'm I'm an enthusiast. I love to learn about this stuff. I have so much fun. Just like some of the most fun I've ever had it races was going to help K and are going to help Dave and there's no pressure to drive. Right? You can I think that the thing I enjoy the most about this whole process. Man is learning the stuff. There's so many X's and O's going to split time who's going to be where? Who's doing what, you know, there's so many moving parts and who's watching the left tires? Who's washing the right tires? And so yes,
Wyatt Pemberton:the game
Unknown:of the game. I try to be man and and i think that's maybe, you know, I appreciate you saying I'm a wheel man. But I think what probably what more of our success is just that I try to study and I take it very seriously man and I you know the in car videos, I watch them over and over and over again and try to you know, try to do better. And I talked to people and I asked a lot of questions and I really enjoy that part of it more so than I actually enjoy like driving.
Wyatt Pemberton:Gotcha. So I'll put you on the spot right here on that. What is like your top two questions to top two answers that you've asked people you didn't know to get answers that have helped your race proven
Unknown:Well, I asked you, you're crushing it, man. It's like, you are a super big fan. But I you know what, a lot of times, man, I'll ask him, it'll be kind of people that maybe have a little bit of preview into my program or their friends. But maybe you have a lot more experience like, what am I? What am I doing wrong? Or I'll just I'll just spend, you know, an evening with, you know, Nick Nelson. I mean, I get him a lot of stuff. Randy rod knows a lot of stuff about off road racing. And it's fun to just sit down, drink beer with him and just kind of pick their brains and layers. Yeah.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, that was always the thing. And you know, and I know, you've heard it if you've been a fan of this as well, that's really what I've loved about the show is the ability to ask guys those questions. Like, what is the nugget that you think is maybe a little bit of a strategic advantage for you? Or what was it something that is super painfully obvious today? But last week, before you talk to Lauren Healy, it wasn't obvious at that point. Things like things along those lines that we because we've all learned for the most part, through trial and error.
Unknown:Right, right. Yeah. What's sometimes the hard way? You don't always have to do that. But we do. Right. That's how most people do, including me. I try to ask, I try to ask people and I really enjoy that. So we can kind of get back to your original question. And what I would like to do is, you know, is to keep the keep the whole thing go on with where Bell and gray squad and keep it. I love being involved in the program and all that stuff. You know, you might talk to me next year now, I'll change my mind. But I think ultimately, I want to kind of run the X's and O's and the playbooks on the program and take care all the details and stuff, because that's kind of my wheelhouse. And let's get a couple of young kids in there. You know, whether it's mine hopefully, or, you know, I'm already kind of watching other guys and stuff. But I would kind of like to get back to off roading for with my buddies around a campfire, drinking a beer, and then doing the racing thing kind of without.
Wyatt Pemberton:So just get back, get back to leaf looking. And then
Unknown:racing. I mean, I, every time I'm ripping my hair out over something. And you know, Randy, or somebody calls me I'm like, Hey, man, can we just saw these race cars and go back to camping, and jeeps and stuff? But yeah, that's just me being silly. Maybe next year
Wyatt Pemberton:that lasts about two years. And then next year, like I need any race car. Racing, it has to do with the people. You just want back. You just want to back back in the purview with your friends.
Unknown:That's right. And that's kind of how we started this whole conversation, right? It's all about the people. And I think as long as that's, that's the goal, man, and you're always gonna have fun, but I don't know, brother, I I would be perfectly happy to. I'm always going to be involved on the car. I would really enjoy being at the events and I really enjoy all the stuff that goes into it. But it doesn't have to be it's not my I don't raise from my ego, man. It's not my it's not like my ego is not like no.
Wyatt Pemberton:I mean, it's it's from your own hashtag pile here. It's a no egos just amigos. Like, I mean, it's quite possibly one of my favorite hashtags. I've
Wyatt Pemberton:no egos just amigos. You know? Hell,
Unknown:hell yeah. Yeah, man. It mean, you're out there and we're having a good time, and we're doing some good stuff or good people, then that is that is the win.
Wyatt Pemberton:So so you know, we've certainly definitely covered all all, all the warrior built stuff. And as we talked about, you know, the whole genesis of this call, was you call me earlier in the week about your marketing? What What do I need to do for marketing or something along those lines? Now that we've had this column out, you've had a week to think about, you know, having this you know, this this interview? What are some of the marketing things you've stumbled on? As a new guy for the most part in the sport, trying to push marketing of yourself that you automatically and already see even veterans not doing? What are some of the things that you've seen? Or you recognize even,
Unknown:you know, what my struggle was? Like? I don't, I guess it was assuming, you know, especially through the charity stuff, when you're doing that, the pledges through is like, me just assuming that friends, because I have social media and because I have a website, have any idea what I'm doing, you know, and they don't, they don't and it's you know, it's a good friend of mine. On the east coast was like, Man, you need to do good old guerilla marketing and that that was just like he just text people. And I did man when it was like pledge time for hammers. I'm thinking all these people friends and family. I'm like, why aren't they come on, man pledge a quarter, you know? So I just started texting people, but I, you know, that's something I still struggle with man and I'm and I'm trying to learn is that if you talk to him, it's like, they're like, what are you doing with this? You know, and it's like, man, how do you not know that? And I know only you. I mean, like friends of mine. No, absolutely, it's like, so you know, that's the struggle is when you put this stuff out there and some guys are really good at it, man. I'm watching. You know, Kevin Jones, ultra for Jones doing his thing that he's that I just, I just met him for the first time ever heard VFE. And, man, I really admire what he's doing with social media stuff. Of course, you know, that guy, Lauren bond, all those guys are on a whole nother level. But
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah, I think I might, yes, he he is, you know, for like the bintray sessions. You know, I put it out there. Hey, when we were doing rush, hey, what what West Coast guys? Hey, if you want to come on the clubhouse thing, hit me up, I'll make you whatever the admin, moderator, whatever, when you're already on the stage. And we will have you'll be in the conversation versus it. Let's do that hit me up. He was the first one.
Unknown:After four days over man
Wyatt Pemberton:he was. And then and then maybe a day later, he sends me a text a picture of his basically, it wasn't a yellow legal pad. But it was you know, a notepad with all his notes. And who his picks were for each class what they'd finished kiawe chin what they'd finished nbfc and if they were there, or reasons why they're on is this, he sends it to me and it is a full Notepad. And I'm like,
Unknown:I'm sure
Wyatt Pemberton:this dude is prepared. I mean, he was prepared. And then I didn't even ask him any of that stuff. I asked him some stuff. He was prepared, but you got to keep people on their toes. Man. Love it. So Mr. Mica, London. Did we cover kind of everything you wanted to cover?
Wyatt Pemberton:I'm just watching. I remember you want to cover
Unknown:cute. Um, I'm stoked. Thank you for having me on.
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, we're not done yet. But we're almost because I got the last thing and this is the thing. I've started trying to pop three songs that kind of say who you are right now. Like, what are you listening to right now that are right now? And I know. I know. And this goes a different place before you even answer that. I'll give you a chance to think about it while I'm talking. You have said in your notes to me that you are this underground music snob.
Unknown:music's now I'd like to say dude,
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah, I want to get into like, like, What? What is an underground music snob?
Unknown:No, I don't mean underground. I just mean like, nobody would know the acting and suspect. Yeah,
Wyatt Pemberton:I'm thinking like, GarageBand you know,
Unknown:I know man. No, I should have been more clear on that. I'm just like an American music kind of nerd. Like whether it's, and I can't answer your question specifically. Dude. It's everything from Hank Williams, senior to freakin Wu Tang clan, and I can talk probably pretty intelligently about everything in between there. I'm a huge music nerd. You won't catch me.
Wyatt Pemberton:So you're you're about to go get in the ring with Mike Tyson. What's your walk up song?
Unknown:ring with Mike Tyson my walk up song. Oh my goodness, dude. It would probably be something by the descendents. Which is a punk band. It would probably be plus Mike Tyson. This is size Have you ever discussed song called everything sparked by the descendents because I'm about to get knocked out. So
Wyatt Pemberton:maybe you ever been off? Okay. Same question because I'm gonna get three songs I you same question. But in the ring is Ronda Rousey Ronda Rousey? I would probably do
Unknown:we go song was like from sturgill Simpson yesterday or something? Yeah,
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah. Like, all the way down.
Unknown:Yeah, that's my that's the jack. Yeah. Fair ones. He does. Yeah, I
Wyatt Pemberton:can see that one being being a good one. Okay. Because this man has never been in a fight ever in his life. physical fight. That's why I'm gonna use him and he's gonna get a carrot on this one. Same question. Walk it music in the ring. But it's Dave Cole.
Unknown:It's good call. I could get in a lot of trouble there.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, that's the last question. He's never fought anyone so he doesn't know either. I should ask him why
Unknown:fight me if I answered that question. Let's see man. Ah, what would be a good one? There were probably we might have to pause out there why I gotta think about Africa.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, cuz I mean, I started pondering this, you know with as I started this back with good baby, and then Jeremy and then every day it kind of changes a little bit. But for me like I do, I like get in the shop and I put on zeplin and just in the box set and just let it roll all the way through, you know, the 60s, the 70s. I mean, obviously, I do have some favorites in there, but then I know I get in the car. I do not listen to zeplin when I'm driving, it's his shop music. And yeah, I got in mentally, I can remember. Like, where I'm at in the transmission pull process when cashmere came on, you know?
Unknown:Right? Yeah, we'll
Wyatt Pemberton:stuff like that. But I, I heard a guy sing. And I wish I had knew who the name of the artist was. But he sang a song It was Stairway to Heaven was the music. But the words he had different words for it. And I couldn't figure out how he did it.
Wyatt Pemberton:I couldn't, you know, understand, like what I mean, like the mental part of his plane, Stairway to Heaven, but he's singing a different song. Yeah, right. And I'm like, Okay, this dude can not only walk chew bubblegum, but he can also solve quadratic equations. Riding a unicycle I like this blew my mind. I was I was commuting on on the highway. I'm like, going through what was this guy going through mentally to build a place Stairway to Heaven and sing a different song the way in the thing was, it actually sounded good. Yeah, but
Unknown:it was good, man. So what's your number three? My number three song would probably be if it's Dave Cole. He's never been in a fight. I mean, he's a big dude. But he is. You know, I
Wyatt Pemberton:can I can't go like LL Cool J mama say knock you out. Like that's like, that's like too obvious.
Unknown:You know? No, no, man, it would be like, it would be like, gonna be a big rock star. Probably what Dave listens to?
Wyatt Pemberton:I don't know what day listens to I'll have to also test tasting mass and give me his top songs.
Unknown:I don't know what we're getting.
Wyatt Pemberton:Well on. On that note, Mr. London. Thank you for thank you for hitting me up. It couldn't have been more perfect timing. I was literally based on how I messed up scheduling for the last two weeks. And it was it was a two week. Why? Why drop the ball. You bailed me out huge. You you call it the right time. You had a need. And I had a need and symbiotically. We, we worked it out. I got to meet you. Hopefully, a whole bunch of other people are gonna listen to him, like who is this guy, and then they're gonna walk away. And we're like, oh, that's the warrior belt guy. We need to support him and support our troops and support all our guys. Thank you for your service all those years. And thank you for continuing to the guys that are still going outside the wire today. Thank you for doing the training with them and giving them passing on your skills to those guys. So that you know they're better prepared for what they're going to face. And yeah, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for helping all the guys that come back and, and have things they need to check off to, to ensure that, you know, they're positive and smiling and everything everything's gonna be all right, right.
Unknown:Yeah, man. Yeah, thank you for having me on. Man. This is really cool. Like I said, it's I listen to every week, man, it's it's generally somebody I look up to or want to learn something from and then it's really rad to be here. So
Wyatt Pemberton:well, safe travels this week. Good luck. Yeah, I'm probably gonna, you know, I think you're gonna have to be my pick on Wednesday night and the bench bench racing session for to win the 1400 class. I think I'm gonna call that right now. So people hear me say it now. And then. And then when you hear the bintray search traffic, somebody else would be that guy. Right.
Unknown:That's all right. That's
Wyatt Pemberton:all man. Thank you. Again. Thank you for coming on. Absolutely. Good luck this week in San fleabay safe drive. And on that note, everybody, we out.
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