The Talent Tank
The Talent Tank
EP 43 Josh West
A play on the triumph and losses in performance and life. The Talent Tank podcast will navigate the inner workings of lifestyle, lives, family, teams, careers, programs, and technology in and around the offroad motorsports industry. What breeds success with your Talent Tank on full, failures when its on empty. From the journey to the Starting Line to take that Green Flag, on to exploring trials and tribulations on and off the track in pursuit of victorious achievement and the Checkered Flag.
The common denominator in the majority of the ULTRA4 Racing competitors field, and their engine management systems is this behind the scenes, low-key, tamer of the tune, that goes by the name Josh West @propertuningog of CBM Motorsports. Diving into The Talent Tank on this episode, we discover how common and misunderstood engine management is. As well as everything from crocheted cat buttholes, to accelerated failure of sensors on LS motors, whitewater rafting to a non-story of feeling up Pamela Anderson on numerous occasions, and reinventing your talents as you navigate life. Sit back and enjoy.
Headshot provided by Alan Johnson @thedustygnome
After the Checkered Flag-
Speaking of tall people. Around the world; Average height in general (Male & Female):
1 | Netherlands 5 ft 9 1⁄2 in
2 | Montenegro 5 ft 9 1⁄2 in
3 | Estonia 5 ft 9 in
3 | Denmark 5 ft 9 in
5 | Iceland 5 ft 9 in
6 | Bosnia and Herzegovina 5 ft 9 in
6 | Latvia 5 ft 9 in
8 | Czech Republic 5 ft 8 1⁄2 in
9 | Serbia 5 ft 8 1⁄2 in
10 | Lithuania 5 ft 8 1⁄2 in
52 | United States 5 ft 7 in
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Let's drop the green flag on this episode of the talent tank podcast with your host Wyatt Pemberton bringing you the best, fastest, most knowledgeable personalities and Ultra4 and off road racing.
Wyatt Pemberton:All right, here we go. back at it back in the saddle. sitting here looking at me. This very sexy spell mF for Joshua West Josh West. How are you man? Oh, I'm pretty good. Just this view is killing me, man. too ugly. Staring at each other right? Or our wives are so blessed. Okay, so I've got I've got you here. People don't get to see this but what I can see what are you sitting in your Are you sitting like an Etsy shop?
Unknown:Yeah, no, the wife does all these like, I don't know if they're magical potions or lotions or whatever. There's Look, there's even a cat But like I say
Wyatt Pemberton:there's two two like crocheted cat buttholes.
Unknown:Yeah, that will did. We can have conversations on the things she makes. You should ask Jesus and Johnny about that. They? Wow, there's some very interesting koozies out there.
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, I think you're there's no shortage of lube jokes around you. Exactly. Well, well, guys, if you're tuning in, and you're curious about this guy, Josh Weston who I have on, he's kind of the the guru behind the scenes over at CBM Motorsports. He is the tuning guru behind a slew of ultra for drivers. I mean, I mean, it's like the nonstop you're kind of the thread that everyone holds that holds everyone together, or holds the tunes together. Right?
Unknown:They may and that's a that's a thin thread right there. I mean, it I don't know if I'm the thread or the lucky one or unlucky one or what but it's a lot of work. So run
Wyatt Pemberton:through real quick because I don't have it written down but I know it is a run through your current podiums that you had, you know, just I think when I talk to your kids this year, you were something like you had something like 40 podiums and for years cars that you had the tune off
Unknown:oh man yeah the chaos the courage this year was was it was a good good outcome. He had a I know we took the poll but I think we had six or seven cars in the top 10 for the poll but then we swept swept main hammers podium and I think we swept EMC or one office we've been EMC as well and it The thing is, it doesn't just go to engines built it's not just counted in as tuning or electrical or however we've helped on the car. So you've
Wyatt Pemberton:had you've had your hands on some level some portion of a lot of cars.
Unknown:Yeah, yeah, their hands on some portion I can't even count anymore I mean it it's got to be upwards of probably 50% of the field maybe even more See that's
Wyatt Pemberton:something that's something else in the the casual spectator or even the the casual ultra for guy or the neutral for guy that's in might not know or might not realize that, uh, all these other guys they're using the st You know, one of the same vendors, I mean, we can see guys on nitto tires or guys on BFG tires, those are obvious. You can see spidertrax axles versus curry axles, you can see you know, a Ford Motor versus a Chevy motor in King versus shot box, or ABS or bilsteins you can see the Bulldog winches versus the one which you can see those but when it comes to the tune
Unknown:that you're standing, you hear it that's what you do. It's one of those weird commodities that it's hard to describe. I mean it is we get to be involved with a bunch of different people and at the same time, it's one of those little things a lot of people don't think about it leads into more though there's more than just tuning on the car. There's just the rest of the car and the electronics and how things are set up and what's going to live and what doesn't and been involved with so many we really get to push and test and retest and see what's working with some people and what's not then you know, there's some teams we keep things very secret and some teams don't care and a lot of the information will get shared to a point but you know if we get asked not to share it, we don't share it.
Wyatt Pemberton:Oh, that is cool. You touched on a subject there that that I did like that you said he had a lot of people they don't given a ton of thought into the processor into what's going on there and it is very, very important. Doesn't matter how boy howdy your motor is or van motor or big boy motor is Casey Gilbert. It doesn't matter what you have there. If you don't set it up, right and this year for the EMC race. We saw Kade rod in in his car, very new car goes out. Terrible. He had a terrible run in quality. Find hands up what it stutters stumble and he ends up taking a back of the pack starting EMC. And what does he end up doing? I run into him somewhere in hammer town and he asked if I've seen you and I call you or I text you, right? And then I give you give his number to you. And you're like, well, I don't know why you why he needed my number here. He had my number because my tune was already on that car. But it was a starter tune. A builder tune we still needed to put motor tune on it. So that you could race it. Right? Right. Yeah, no
Unknown:it unfortunately that happens a lot guys end up on the timeline or they end up behind or whatever and with with Kate, I don't know it. I have no clue it. I made a tune for that thing. Man. I think last year it might even be it was when the car was new, maybe a second race that it had on it. And I built something for it and email that to them and then nothing ever came of it after that. I figured he took it somewhere else. I didn't even know it was still in there until hammers and then I look at it and like Dang, that's still what I emailed you. Why are you still running on this?
Wyatt Pemberton:Cuz it was a guest It was a swag just to get it started. Get moving. Get it out the door onto a trailer. So it could come and get on a dyno and actually get worked into it. Yep,
Unknown:yeah. And then it It had a sensor fail. And that's what happens when stuffs not set up. Right and something fails, then it runs like crap.
Wyatt Pemberton:And you end up with in this case, a back of the pack start for the main race for Yeah,
Unknown:yeah, he went it stumbled and bumbled. He made it what 50 feet off the track.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yep. Immediately in someone's thought it was watching, we thought it was by design, there's some strategic benefits that you can, you know, some silver linings to take in the back of the pack, start. If you are indeed a very fast car. That means every car that you pass, you're gonna gain, you're gonna gain time on the leaders on corrected time, which is amazing. You can't be a slow guy and take it back, go back start, you've got to, you got to put your big boy pants on and tie a brick to your right foot.
Unknown:I don't think it was intended for sure. But I know cades one that could pull it up from the back of the pack. But I don't I don't think his hammers trip was intended that way. I
Wyatt Pemberton:don't think so either at this point, and I encaged sorry, I don't mean to throw you under the bus. But it was a great example of something that was very recent, that had real outcome of your qualifier didn't happen well at all. And it led to a back of the pack start for the race and you think about all you know, it could have been any racer that it could have happened to and all the effort that go into it and all the work that goes into getting shown up the hammers on the have something what seems inconsequential because it's a guy with a laptop plugging into your car, but it's a really important piece of the puzzle. Right?
Unknown:It is and it mean it it's hard to really convey to people the importance of having everything set up, right I mean, yeah, and I don't mean just tuning but the whole car as far as fuel system and electronics and everything else. There's a lot of things that work and there's a lot of things that don't work that people are still trying to get away with.
Wyatt Pemberton:We're gonna jump into you we're gonna flashback and talk about you. So say that subject matter expert information about what works and what doesn't work and what burns out what number now, we're going to talk about that towards the end of the show, because that's the stuff that I've got you on I would pick your brain on what the crux is are but don't give away any the secret sauce. So if anyone's wanting super, super secret sauce, you know, you know where to get that at you call up Joshua CBM or you can find him on Facebook. He's on there every now and then. He's not that big of a social guy. Most people have been blocked. So
Unknown:yeah, well, the blocked part. I know you got that right. Oh, man.
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, So Josh, we were gonna go way back. So this weekend, ultra for is racing in Kentucky and by the time everyone listens to this, the race will have been this past weekend. And hopefully I know it's a mud bath out there or was going to be because it rained all day. Yesterday I guess so. I think that dates this everyone's gonna be like well, shoot. He recorded this on Thursday. All right. Well, here we go. So there we are. So Monday we're going to retrospect you know, Josh Bleiler wins the race. Whoo. Yeah. Bailey Cole. You know, he gets second he pulls one out you know, you know, in his big white car Yeah, you Bailey. Anyway. But but to it, Kentucky. It was this past weekend. Rush. And you you're a Kentucky guy yourself?
Unknown:Yep, straight up Kentucky boys tobacco farmer we grew up right out of Bedford.
Wyatt Pemberton:So I didn't pull up a map of this is me being unprepared because I knew you're Kentucky but it didn't occur to me to actually look at where Bedford is. Where yeah
Unknown:30 Turtle right next to That's what
Wyatt Pemberton:I thought. Yeah, that's exactly what I thought. Yeah. And that's that's a great that's a great fun course.
Unknown:Yeah, no dirty turtle is awesome. Actually. My dad still lives right down the hill on the river from dirty turtle. I mean, it's if I go out there we go straight down in the Bedford and straight into the river and there's my dad's house.
Wyatt Pemberton:And what's the guy's name that owns dirty turtle?
Unknown:I honestly do not know.
Wyatt Pemberton:Somebody talk to him because I think he has an airplane. I think he was the one who he was one of the guys that was a talk to about possibly In his plane to go get James Schofield out of Palm Springs.
Unknown:I didn't know that not as cool.
Wyatt Pemberton:I may have all my wires crossed, but that is what's going on in my head right now. Like that's, I feel like there was some connection there. Maybe I'm a little off but that's all right. How long were you in Kentucky till 18 you graduate high school and you blow that popsicle stand.
Unknown:I went to University of Louisville for a year, year and a half and then I got out of dodge. So I think I was 1920 and then move straight out to Idaho, which was very, very adventurous trip I had a y j that I put up to Barrow carb frickin 7350 in and it had still the Dana 35 in the back and a soft top and a turbo 350 and I I think to myself, I'm gonna take this thing across the country. Well, that was a dumbest thing I ever did in my life. I've made it to Wyoming and it was freezing cold and it was leaking oil everywhere. I thought the drain plug was leaking or something my brother was with me and we pull the plug out thinking that you know it's just leaking past the threads or something and no, I got so cold that night at crack the oil pan and there's nothing like driving a soft top freakin y j with a frickin you know, 150 horse and
Wyatt Pemberton:across Wyoming piano turbo
Unknown:350 it's screaming it can't scream because it's just a clapped out piece of crap. And it's a soft top and it's you know, freakin negative, whatever was out. All pass.
Wyatt Pemberton:What made you decide to leave Kentucky and go to Idaho like, like, I see like, leave Kentucky and go to Texas or Florida or New York or Chicago or California but Idaho? Nothing. I don't want to offend anyone from Idaho in or at wherever there's,
Unknown:I had some friends that were out there. So I already had a place to go and a job lined up. parents had gotten divorced and the farm sold and there wasn't anything really left there. So it was just time to get out.
Wyatt Pemberton:I gotcha. So so i think i have so I was in Idaho just a few weeks ago. I truly was. So I like it. It's a beautiful country. But every day when I think about this T shirt I saw when I was like I was probably 16 years old and said it said Idaho no you to Whoa. And it just makes me I always think about the way it was designed. Oh,
Unknown:no, no, no. It's always been you know, growing up,
Wyatt Pemberton:were you in a motor sports or sports or wheeling, obviously you end up with a Jeep at some point, you know around the high school you were How did you go from being a kid you're running around on a bicycle with training wheels to to get into Jeep and head and Idaho.
Unknown:My brother was the one that was more into playing around with their bikes and four wheelers and everything man I wanted to be a professional fisherman. I had a boat and I had all this stuff. We had this tiny little pond and I had this little two person boat and I'd go out there and you know, I was built danced it myself but nobody else my snakes fallen in the boat. Yeah. My brother had a Jeep, he had a jeep and I beat the hell out of it on the farm and then decided I needed one and I got one and the creek flooded one time and I thought that you know, normally it'll flood and get up in the road as Cantrell he knows Flat Rock road drain and Creek he's it's a pretty good area when it rains and that's where the our farm was back that road and it usually get, you know, foot 16 inches deeper so well. It didn't get washed out front of the Jeep disappears, then this log comes along and tears it in the rest of the way. And so my first Jeep went down the creek.
Wyatt Pemberton:Oh dang.
Unknown:Then after that it was no holds bar it was by another one, cut the four cylinder and half when it threw a rod and then just put a 350 in it and go from there.
Wyatt Pemberton:So you've been mechanical pretty much you know, and that's the farm side of you, right you if you break it you you figure out how to fix it.
Unknown:100% Yeah, it was I was actually welding the motor mounts in and doing everything was where I kind of cut my teeth learning the weld. So that was a frickin tombstone stick welder sitting there on the farm and just put it all together. I think I was I did that at 18 and you know, rewired the rig and just my dad looked at me like I was crazy.
Wyatt Pemberton:Oh yeah, the buzz box. See that's what that's what I learned to weld it was a buzz box and then you didn't get the high school and they had a MiG you know, we had MiGs plural and getting used like Oh man, this is awesome. And then you go back home to the farmer and you'd have to fix something you have to go get the 7018 out of the out of the freezer and he kept he kept it dry right and then and then yeah then a meat you know I get to college I bought myself my own MiG but yeah, now it's like can't even I don't think I even have a stick welder.
Unknown:Though I don't even have anything now I will get to that part but I had a fab shop sold it and now I'm we moved out here and garage is empty everything's at the shop I still don't have crap here.
Wyatt Pemberton:So you learn how to build you know whatever explore whatever becoming you know your your infancy of being your mechanical abilities your mechanical aptitude. Did you know Cantrell back then?
Unknown:Oh yeah well I knew Katie is fiance, her family the Smither family and this is one of the only cuss words I'll give you right now which my dad named the shitter family because we hung out with our brothers we played football with her brothers and because I think she has like 82 brothers or something like that actually it's a four but so we always hung out and she was little and but she was out there with us beating the hell out everybody. So it it now she has Cantrell which you know she's perfect for him keep him in line
Wyatt Pemberton:he needs he needs he needs everything all sorted out nice she's she's super sweet my interview James she she helped him out in the background before getting him set up he he needed the help I need help now I like him a lot but that's that's awesome I didn't know you guys actually grew up near each other knew each other which you know how many guys in ultra for are kinda like that like there's pockets around the country of guys you know kind of you're like you've got the all the Purdue guys out of Indiana how they were kind of from your close areas then you end up in Michigan the Gilbertson and all those guys then down by Miller those guys I mean it's just interesting I know California is the same way there's myself miles again and Kelly Kaiser there's a big group of us that all race or co drove at some point in life and over for all from some little Bergen Kansas but that's pretty damn cool. So you end up from there. You take some classes at Louisville Where are you studying?
Unknown:Math Math major
Wyatt Pemberton:see your smart sob I'm going to strip to just just knowing you for what I'm known for is your smart sob but you're a huge dude. Like what are you 6364
Unknown:I think I'm six four and I the huge I mean I've been trying to get smaller lately too and I still think I'm like 230 right now but yeah i i definitely a lot of people in the first meet me they don't expect lurch to get out and walk up to them and you know they're used to this the smartass online and that doesn't you know you don't take somebody like that and imagine them to come at you
Wyatt Pemberton:you're right they're huge that your your online your online persona does not match your in person persona you are one of those some guys match some guys don't i don't know if i do or not I think definitely asshole fits in there. Price pricing for you is probably why we like each other so you know before I go forward on that on that line, you did you play you play High School and football as you've mentioned this Katie swans family Yeah, okay. Yeah,
Unknown:I played football. I got actually got hurt playing basketball, got hurt in high school, had a surgery had no surgery in college and other surgery another another another and ruined a lot of things and made me rethink life a lot. And I ended up getting my knee replaced at 31 I think as he broke a bone as a teenager and like, they never caught it. Then it splintered off and just wrecked my leg. My buddy DSI. He's got a leg problem.
Wyatt Pemberton:But if you walk better than DSI or worse than DSI,
Unknown:I've seen you walk normal. I've walked better now. The one the one leg was bad. I mean, it got to the point to where that's why I sold the fab shop I had was I couldn't work anymore. couldn't walk. I couldn't do anything. It was atrophied down just straight. I mean, there was nothing left. I'd wear a pair of shoes out in a couple weeks just dragging my leg.
Wyatt Pemberton:Oh, Jesus. Yeah, I mean, that's you that's a full full day. I mean, you're on your feet all day long in a shop and you're walking your walk 12,000 steps inside the same 3000 4000 square foot area just right. Just open it it only get got worse.
Unknown:I mean, I think we do. Man usually it's five miles or six miles a day at the shop now.
Wyatt Pemberton:Wow. Yeah. So you spread out so you remember when Jesse Haynes just had his little three car garage that he was building out of over there was he in sparks? Yeah, somewhere in there that he'd still probably weren't you walk 10,000 steps but all inside that little bitty garage we talked about he wore like six inches out of the concrete walk in circles and that is sticky tires. They pull concrete up. Yeah. You blow this popsicle stand you get out of Kentucky you leave Cantrell behind. It's a bad breakup. He cries he runs off he meets Katie there they get engaged they're still not married yet. He totals a couple tracks and and then gets internet famous and then you mind you In the meantime, you are over there running around in Idaho. What was the genesis? Is that where you had you open just open a fab shop? Is that where you were at? And I know I didn't even know you had a fab shop. I've always known you as a tuner.
Unknown:Yeah, no, I came over and I I went to work for a welding shop. We did a bunch of whitewater raft frames and a bunch of other stuff. So we got I got hooked on the raft and really bad when I first moved out, and then learned how to weld Better there and then ended up going to school to get the degree I have now but I waited till I was out of school to start the business.
Wyatt Pemberton:Brian Gillespie, you know that name? Yep. He just started a raft company. He works in Park City, but he started doing I forget the name of Jordan River. raft works or boat works Jordan River somewhere either. He couldn't find what he wanted, and he couldn't even buy it. So he built one and then somebody saw him and asked him to build another one now he's got three three part time employees just building the whitewater rafting racks to fit on boats because there's just no one making. I guess there's a lot of people making it but it was
Unknown:what we did. We built the frames that went in either the self Baylor's or the cats and then it turned into I don't know they came out with their own line in the shop I was working for and then it was just straight up cats you know there was eight foot 12 footers 15 footers 18 footers it was it was fun fluff on tested on us for sure.
Wyatt Pemberton:And then that part of the world like we were just up there like I was saying, like the snake I mean there's no shortage of places to put a raft or kayak in and nothing to stop you.
Unknown:Oh no not at all. And it was the you know, the snake which just helps canyons the real fun part to raft and then you know there's the salmon and there was no shortage of rivers we could hit and the nice part was we had permits so a lot of the rivers snake and the salmon we never ended up having to get permits for it.
Wyatt Pemberton:Okay, because I that's what Brian had explained to me that you had to apply for certain permits and you could take your stuff certain places and not certain places and different times a year. So now knowing what you know up there with this current little jump in in vogue mini jet boats. make you one there. They were
Unknown:then, what was the company? How I can't remember but they were doing the jet they're the ones that originally did Niagara Falls. They were based out of Boise they had the twin turbo LS freakin there was twin engine turbo. That thing was this was 10 years ago, 12 years ago or no, it was more than that. It had been freakin 17 or 18 years ago.
Wyatt Pemberton:Are you getting old
Unknown:they were they were running the rivers then and these weren't little jet boats either. These were 40 and 50 footers, you know, a couple 1000 horse and that
Wyatt Pemberton:see I remember some big stuff. But now you know you see like David Hartman Nick Nelson and their mini boat mafia. I can't help you know fall you can't help but follow them on Instagram and and see you know some of the fun stuff that they do out there with like Blake Wilkie and what they're putting out, man. I don't live anywhere where I could do that. I mean, I've thought about it. It'd be fun. We've got some buyers and we got some rivers down here but why don't we don't dunk alligators
Unknown:ramps B jumps.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, he bumps so JT calls that you? I think he calls him Duncan, but he goes you'll be going across the news here. Under under because JT has that big fan bow airboat. Yeah,
Unknown:yeah, we do. We do airboat motors for Panther. I think in Florida. One of the things we were supposed to go last year and tune a bunch of them, but you know, COVID
Wyatt Pemberton:and then that happens. Yeah, you'll have to just make a trip and go with JT when he's gonna be down there. Just take his boat out if something else. I've seen him a chip on it.
Unknown:bet that would not suck. Yeah, not No,
Wyatt Pemberton:not a little bit, which actually, you know, Spina jtl says right now. The simply for 250s this weekend, and it's this past week. What however you want to look at it. JT is not there. He's actually in Kentucky. Poor guy. I mean, he's probably he's probably livid. pissed.
Unknown:I bet he is. I mean, I saw we went to that gas the first gas race last weekend. I think everybody was there. I didn't see JT there but I know Dan Campbell and Dave and Hartman were there and I mean it was everybody was there but most of the ultra for staff was there I mean that's that's a quick turnaround and a lot of work.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, I think that was a that was a concern. I certainly a K wage talking to like Allen and company and all you know, and miles was one of those miles took the the trailer from Moab back to Pella, Kansas. And then he took it on to Kentucky. If he did that, then he wasn't going to go to the gas race. And then JT JT was scoping him to do something with the buffalo chip in South Dakota. So he did, he went there and then ended up in Kentucky with miles picking him up. But then the rest of those guys are all all in San Felipe, a reminder state. I mean, don't be wrong. There's those guys are all in same fleabay I mean, they're all in rush Kentucky except for Dave. Dave is the only one that I heard Dave is in San fleabay, which I get it, I wouldn't be
Unknown:too well and he's got good employees that know how to run the show. So let him That's exactly right. And that was
Wyatt Pemberton:kind of cool to see out of Moab that you know, the competition review board and stuff that chip and tacos, you know, came forward and talked about being in the issue of Bailey and kind of all that in the past that was you know, behind curtains and you never got it wasn't transparency and I think everyone's kind of called for that drive from a driver's perspective for years and years and years ask for transparency and, and you know, Dave runs his show, he runs it his way. And there's a lot of different ways to skin the cat. And it's really cool to see I believe that this is Ryan Thomas's doing what it looks like with Ryan Thomas at the helm, which is fun. I mean, it's different. And so we'll see what we'll see what that looks like. Sorry, we got off on a huge freakin wagon about airboats and you guys supply motors and in the little mini jet boats. But so again, back to Idaho. So you're working on, you know, your, your building frames, your fab shop going,
Unknown:that was pre fab shop that was still working for somebody else. And then I finished up my degree at Boise State, actually, I've got a Bachelor's in mechanical welding. So it was a weird combo degree that they had the right people there. And I think I have almost like doctors years into it. I think I'm six years into it. So but it got me nothing. What I mean by that is, is where do you go out and use that on a resume or a job or anything to get hired? It It taught me a lot of fundamentals. But in the end, you know what, what I've learned I didn't, I didn't learn there.
Wyatt Pemberton:What I think about the college degrees today, and even yours or mine, I don't do anything that's related to my degree either. And I kind of never really did for the most part. But what I would say is, it proves that you have the ability to learn, and that you've got you've documented that you've had the ability to learn. I know some people like that was Oh, yeah, you have the ability to just spend money and take on debt or whatever. Yeah, certainly that but you've learned a trick, your Trevor's what that spending looks like and what that debt looks like. And hopefully you make wise decisions. And if you don't, well, then you reap the rewards of not or if you made wise decisions, reap the rewards if you did, but I think proven your ability to learn is huge, because there's a lot of people out there. They may be smart, but they they don't learn, or it's like their
Unknown:kids, you know, it's the same way. It's a how, how can you take a negative and turn it into something that's constructive, rather than take a negative and just sink into this black abyss and pout over it and you know, worry about it, then just have to move on from it and learn from it.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, I know this. So this is definitely out of place. Because where I have in my notes I want to talk about this way later on, we're bringing up right now because it's perfect for it. But the learning from your mistakes. And in the day, just today's society and today with with Facebook and social media, and I've probably gone on this diatribe of a rant before and everyone's heard me, you know, on this, but it's there's no place for failure. In today's society. There's no place for failure on social media today. If, though your own mistakes shouldn't be celebrated, but they should be learned from and and for every time you have success. Think about all the times you failed, before you had that success, like true success. And that's kind of where you're saying like learn from mistakes. You know, if you're not learning from them, then you're not making them. And if you're not making them, then you're not trying if you're not trying and, and that's where I see this issue that we see certainly in offroad Motorsports, in all Motorsports, actually. And even just in your daily driven car that needs some maintenance. If you read one bad review online from a company that's had 10,000 customers, you read the one bad review, and next thing you know you don't go there, or I hate to use this, this one, but I listened to it this morning on the radio was the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. There, you know, they hit this pause button. Well, they've given over a million of them out and they've had Europe had six people that got sick from the vaccine, one died in one and up and critical Well, that's terrible in my book, you know, loss of life terrible. But you take the the numbers, if a million people so nine 999,994 people end up better from the vaccine, if it's right, if the vaccines good or bad, I'm indifferent. I'm not gonna make that call. But But let's say it's good. And the downside was that Yeah, I'm not I don't want to call that collateral damage, because I think every life is precious, but at the same time,
Unknown:there's always something that's gonna go wrong, it doesn't matter. I mean, it, you could build the same exact thing, you know, as proven and tested and is is gonna work in 99 times out of 100 it's gonna work that one time, it just isn't it's gonna fail and something's gonna happen. And you know, how you take that thing that happened is really, really, you know, that's usually what I try and, you know, put out there with people is, you know, if something fails, let's figure it out. Let's not dwell on it or shop, jump or keep going to other people that are making promises. Let's actually work on something and make it better and find where it's Wrong.
Wyatt Pemberton:And that's the conversation that I was wanting to have is the shop jump and you brought it up. And it's, there's 1000 different ways to build an ultra for car. There's 1000 different ways to, I mean, within some reason, right? We know certain geometry works, we've we've figured it out after enough years that certain things work and certain things just absolutely don't. But by and large, if you have one mistake, let's say trans transmission, well, let's say it's an O ring, in the valve body, well, man, that sucks. It was a, you know, a 30 cent part took it out the first time it does it, does that warrant immediately going somewhere else? I don't think so I think you've got to, you know, kind of run it to ground, work out all the other bugs before that. But you see this every day,
Unknown:right? But unfortunately, it's it's what happens more times than not is people move on right away. And there's no second chance, there's no chance at making it better. It's just, you know, it's either something in their ear, or just this constant thought of, well, there has to be somebody better or something better, or the thought of you know, it, you're just wrong. You know, I mean, and I don't mean that as like I'm saying somebody is wrong, it's just you know, it, people always seem to think that they have the right idea on how something should go, Well, there's a lot of us out there that do things for a living, that we're here to help. And just because we say or do something that doesn't go along with what you're thinking or what you think it should be, doesn't mean it's the wrong way, you know, especially if it's something that's proven or and not proven, I mean, it sometimes some outside input, I mean, there's cases where I call around for help, I have a big group of friends, or I just said I have friends, I wouldn't take that to heart, you know, I have a pretty good group of guys that, that I trust that I'll call and ask for advice and who you have in your circle will really, really help you in the end, you know, you know, put the people around you that, you know, will steer you in the right direction, whether they'll they're telling you you're full of crap, or they're telling you're on our track.
Wyatt Pemberton:I think people sit back and they see you know, the successes like like Lauren Haley has in that he always has it together and like, or Miller the blinders or, or you can go or the Gomez guys or Joe Thompson, I mean it they got to where they're at by making mistakes and, and figuring it out, and time and time again. And they're they're figuring out over the course of, you know, lots and lots of races over lots and lots of years and applying their knowledge. And it just didn't come overnight. And I don't know, that's we seem to see a lot of these guys are, you know, show up, they've seen over four on something it showed up on an Instagram feed, or it showed up on maybe they saw something on TV, somehow they ended up plugged in, they thought it was awesome. They have money, they go buy a car, and then they just don't have luck. You know, they have a lot of problems and struggle with who to listen to. I had lunch with them. I'll give you example, I had lunch with Mike Mills, and Mills has the 416. I can't think of the guy that owns the car, but they share driving responsibilities. But the 416 was built by brave Motorsports and Mills is a course GP three world champions. This guy is a he's a wheel man, he is good. But you know, they bounced around on the west coast by, you know, getting that car worked on prep. And they not been in the Motorsports not being an ultra for they weren't sure who to listen to. So they were taking the car to who they thought they should listen to. And it turned out, they don't think they should have been listening to them. And so there was this, he takes me to lunch and we have this conversation about who to trust and who not to trust. I'm like, I mean, the people that you're talking to are all trustworthy individuals and trustworthy shops. It just, you know, they all have different ways to do it. So if you bring them, I don't know, if you bring them a Betamax machine, and they are only have VHS is they're gonna try to shove the VHS in there. Kind of how it works. So, you know, is we have all these different ways. So that's where I was kind of, you know, you started on that path. I definitely want to explore that path. But the patient's and is you talking to Brad Lovell, and something that Brad's developed over his entire career is they're not sponsors, or in this case of your vendors or whatever. They're partners, that is my partner, because they're my partner, I look at them as my partner. This is my transmission partner, because I want him to be just as vested in this piece of equipment as I am invested in brieant to him and my my vesting of putting this thing on the podium or attempting to or whatever that is, right. I want to be able to walk in there and hand him a framed picture of my car sign and he's going to hang it up behind the counter, right at the end of the day,
Unknown:right. You know, coming from the partner side of things I should say. Um, you know, we want to see people that will work with us and that will want to evolve rather than, you know, it's like you said, a lot of guys come into this right away. And unfortunately, they think just throwing money at stuff is gonna cure it, rather than throwing knowledge at it or just a little, just being a little more humble with it and talking to people about it, and just seeing first seeing what works and what doesn't, versus, you know, what Facebook says works.
Wyatt Pemberton:I'm gonna use learning. If you watch Lauren's Instagram, he's wheeling somewhere almost every weekend. That's practice, he is practicing. And so we look at somebody that just, it felt like, because I wasn't familiar with them, you is, you know, the light, bright crew, you know, husband, wife, team, they seem like just YouTube sensations or whatever you want to call that. They go by a 4400 car, and they're just going to go race and everyone's like, to handicap It is like, well, they're not even going to finish no way they even make one lap. Well, now that you know, they finished, by the way, they did finish, which was amazing. They bought a bomber, and they finish and they overcame some adversity with the transmission and some things along those lines beforehand. But now that I know who they are, and I'm following them a little bit, they're in a car every week and they're wheeling and working on the car on rich on it. So now in retrospect of them finishing k which, no surprise whatsoever, none, because they're always out there, they're putting in, they're doing the homework. I know where I am in the same boat. As you with them. They actually, Kevin and Brittany actually stayed with us here at the house for they supposed to be a couple weeks while we while they were prepping the bomber, and we built an engine for it. And I think they ended up staying here almost three months, prepping and getting ready for hammers and everything. And they were always out wheel and they were always out in the jeep, doing something that wasn't just sitting on their ass and playing internet. You know, I mean, they were actually out running, running their other rigs. They were out running trails, they were out running everything they could to get ready without the car. Yeah, it's methodical. And maybe even if it's under the guise of them getting content for their feed and their lifestyle feed and, and which of course dials back to a compensation. By default, they're getting experience, right? Yep. Oh, man, I we got to find such a tangent that stuff we will definitely get to. So I've jumped off of Idaho. And then somewhere in there, you you're working with somebody, you're starting your own shop and you start your own shop in Idaho.
Unknown:Yeah, I started my own shop in Caldwell outside of Boise. And it was a little fab shop. I mean, it was you know, I was stretching jeeps and Lincoln jeeps and then I started making little parts, like amplifier mounts to mount amplifiers up under the dash so people couldn't steal them and door hangers and other little kits. And I ended up selling them. I can't remember if it was for real parts or quadratec or not, not for all parts I'm sorry, Transamerica. And then they ended up having their own bill that was the end of that. But the big fat side of it, I mean, it got to the point to where that was when my leg was really, really bad. And it was time to do something else. So I ended up selling that side of the business and literally just moved to tuning. And that was it. I mean, it was so we were doing engine conversions and I've always wired and done everything that side on my own and then there was a huge need for setting the rigs up right and setting the tuning up right and everything else and it just wasn't getting done the way it should have been. So that's what led me to that
Wyatt Pemberton:you hit a spot in life in people is I guess inflection points as Jonathan two Haroon likes to hear me say he hit an inflection point in life where you had to make a decision, right? You can't walk anymore. So you need a lifestyle change. I read somewhere and maybe I'm off but you did some work for the God. You did some satellite uplink work. So is that like stuff that we're gonna see you given like, you know, Travis Walder a run for his money on.
Unknown:We, uh, when I was still in school part of the program, we had to do an internship. Afghan war was going on, everybody was deployed at gallan Field, the Air Force Base there in Boise, or reserve base, I carry US Air Force Base, I thought we had to do an internship for school anyway. And there was a rumor that they were trying to hire so we actually got hired on to come out and build the 3116 cats and buy fuel whites and some of the mid funnel drives and everything and then we turn around and break them in and that's where I kind of saw something went from building the engines. We'd break them in on the dyno and then I would start tinkering with them the you know, injection timing and everything else and start making more power out of them. Then ship them back overseas.
Wyatt Pemberton:And so people are like excited about you know, Oh man, this crates from Idaho. This is a good one.
Unknown:Well, it was cool was it was actually we're going to the guys were deployed from Boise or the, you know, deployed from our area. So when they got back, you know, we heard a couple times about a couple of the engines, you know, doing a lot better. Instead of making bottom or what it was 190 horse or 200 horse or whatever they were making, we would usually crank them up another 50 to 75.
Wyatt Pemberton:So, basically drag racing Humvees?
Unknown:Yeah, yeah. Those were the 60s.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, diesel's the big stuff. And then, at what point do you get out of Idaho? What was the point where you you decide, you're gonna move? Because right now you're in Hesperia, right California?
Unknown:Yep. Yep. Yeah, I'm just right on top of the home pass, I mean, I'm 45 minutes from the lake bed and I back majority of the BLM, just north dakota home there, and I think we can we could get out to the lake bed on BLM from my house. So it gets bought to move, let my drive the hammers is no longer 13 hours. I like that. But the the change the CBM is what happened it the company that I had, there was you know, the tuning and engines was to a Motorsports and I got to the point with that where man it was time to grow, find some money and grow or shut it down and look for something else. Because I just, I couldn't keep up on my own. And things were looking really good. And then the last year I had it open, there was a six month period of absolute just no pay. I mean it, I turned out a bunch of work. And it I was dumb, and let stuff go and didn't get paid. And it almost killed us.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, cash flow is king. Yep. And that's part of you know, being a business owner. Every single day you making that and I guess some people that don't actually recognize that the, the whole capitalization of your of your shop and monetization of your time, your time is a commodity, and you hit a point where you can't make more money at all, no matter what you do, you can only make expenses go up. And the only way to get over that hurdle is to hire a bunch of people. So there's the you hit this point where you either got to get big to make more or that's it.
Unknown:Right. And that was it. I started this whole thing out of pocket. Everything's been out of pocket just bootstrapping, and how do I train another me? You know, how do I pull another me out of my butt and frickin then find two or three more guys. I mean, you just you can't, you know, and I wasn't gonna hire a bunch of people real quick and just start turning out crap. You know that? There was no way I could do that. I
Wyatt Pemberton:can see that, you know, we all struggle with that, right? Trying to you can't replicate yourself. And sometimes you don't even want to replicate yourself, you will make somebody that's better than you. But then those guys, you're kind of unicorns right to find the right guy that is interested in down with what you're trying to do, and that you aren't going to train him up. And then he's going to bail on you for months. Right.
Unknown:Right. Yeah. And that's it. You know, we're looking for help right now. And that's the same way and unfortunately, nobody wants to work right now is really, really hard to find people that will even show up for more than one day of work. I mean, as the free money's out there right now. Everybody's taking it and nobody's thinking about what's gonna happen tomorrow rather than the you know, the free crap they're getting today.
Wyatt Pemberton:It is hard to compete against the federal government for your labor force. That's what you're competing gets you are competing, it's hiring against the federal government. That's hard. I mean, that's in my book. That's the the government versus the people when they've got the labor force on the ticket. And that puts all the all the demand side. That's why we says this just in time economy is in trouble. And I know I'm getting way off way off on a tangent here. But for certain parts and certain things, everything's backordered in this country right now it is because of COVID. But even once we get out of COVID nobody, that labor force is just backward You know, I've got a buddy that had ordered a new Corvette and his build date. I think it slid for months because they were waiting on parts to come from China of all places, right but it's just this nobody's doing the work. How are the taxes going to be paid to pay for the people that aren't working right now? Right and in having the federal government front run your labor force? Absolutely sucks I you know, see it in my business I see it in my work daily I see it in my family's business where it's literally they're tired of competing with the federal government for their like, you say well, nobody wants to work nobody wants to work well yeah, they that because they don't have to they can sit home and take the check. And they're freaking happy. Right no work. I mean, you can get your expenses way down if you don't have to work just sit at home and play Call of Duty all the time.
Unknown:Yeah, just just monetize that and get paid twice.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, well, yeah. If you if you can, but the rest of them they just sit around you know, smoke weed and eat Cheetos. Right.
Unknown:I mean, we really wait. I mean, I did. We're not supposed to do that at work.
Wyatt Pemberton:I mean, your state Yes. My state network for the record. My my state we're not there yet. Yeah, so you end up in history. Hey, so do you hang out with David very often,
Unknown:I mean, you're gone not too often, usually, we'll all get together out at the ranch. And then when everybody's there, but man, for the most part, it's balls to the wall. 24 seven, I mean it, you know, leading up to hammers, usually Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving, there'll be a day off, and then Christmas Day, it'll be a day off. And that's it. So, after that is usually I'll slow down enough, and we're back to weekends off now, but we still haven't slowed down. I mean, it's, it's absolutely insane. And it's just we're getting the bad part is we're, we're getting further behind, but at the same time, we're gonna also, you know, we need the people now, which you know, and we're looking for a job, we got a bunch of openings. But you know, we're, we're to the point where probably once a month, we're just going to schedule week, nothing coming in, you know, nothing new, just stay caught up with what we can do. I mean, it, it's way better to be honest with everybody with that than it is to over promise and under deliver, which is the that is your of the day, for the most part, you. I
Wyatt Pemberton:mean, we see that kind of it's so fresh sodium frustrating. I was buying something I was ordering some today, my option was $1,000 more, and I get it in five or six weeks, or the $1,000 less, and I get it in 14 to 16. Well, I chose the 14 to 16 I don't need it immediately. But you know, the more dig around turns out, it was probably going to be 14 to 16. Anyway, why pay the extra 1000 bucks? I mean, and that's 1300? Was that the actual number? Like Come on, man, I mean, and they tried to push me to pay it in like five or six weeks, I don't there's still no guarantee five to six weeks, it's still probably going to be the 12 to 14 or 14 to 16 so
Unknown:that's how we are with parts right now too. You know what, luckily, with CBM we carry i mean i we carry over a million dollars in inventory. And that's what's carried us through you know, and now inventory is getting lower and man like lifters you know, I ordered some we ordered some hydraulic lifters in March and they're still telling us another two to three weeks and this was you know, first week of March and so now we've got engines just sitting there and we call around and try and get other brands where we really can't because they're not spec right now and then what do you do I mean it we still have no solution to this other than just keep calling around and price goes up and up and up because nobody wants to sell what they have on hand for what they have
Wyatt Pemberton:to build That's exactly right. And it's a vicious cycle and and then here we are and then you yeah who's like myself for the rest of the field just tearing fit up this weekend or last weekend or we're gonna we're gonna wreck it and we're gonna get replaced and you know as an example I know the guys that all had a ship shocks out Africa wage all those guys just barely got their stuff back in time for Moab and then the guys that didn't need him for more I needed him for Kentucky barely got him back for Kentucky. I didn't hear anyone that missed the race that wanted to make the race but actually I did because I believe john mole was trying to make Kentucky and he didn't make it or was trying to make no I mean he didn't make it but you you did some work for john k which this year because he had the he had the fire
Unknown:Yeah, we actually came out the day before that. And there were some problems with the car that we helped him with and then the car he went back out and something happened on the fuel rail or something and car caught on fire and dairy. He came back out and we helped him get all new engine harness and other wiring that had to get fixed and putting them where to get plumbing and everything. I think they were there for two or three days fixing that car. And that was that car that could have went really really bad how they got it out without burning the whole car down. I don't know.
Wyatt Pemberton:I have no idea either. I think he had fire suppression I saw that video. I think I carried the video on the insiders page and shared it over there. Wow. I mean one that's a that's a sexy car. You know it's a twin to the red dragon. But it's gray. It is a good looking car. But then Adam shear over tribe and Fort Worth finish the car out and then john lives down in San Antonio area or New Braunfels. And I know he's looking he's looking for labor to he's looking to pay a prep guy while he you know, realized he doesn't have enough free time. There's not a free time and under the sun for him to prep his own car and if you have the ability to have somebody prep I get it. Same you guys looking for labor? Only your labor needs to live live in Hesperia. His labor needs to live like around New Braunfels, Texas and that I will tell you in my book like as far as the country goes New Braunfels taxes. It's not the prettiest area but man, it's got a it's got the Guadalupe River to float. It's got Canyon Lake, it's got green Hall. It's got music, it's got it's just got Texas I mean, it just oozes It's good. It's a good part of the country. So if anyone's watching this wants to go work for john mole and work on a Jimmy a pretty bad That's Jimmy's car there you go in hit that guy up so yeah he had that fire could have gone bad he gets out of it burns up the engine compartment pretty bad lot of wiring and then brought it to you and you guys went to town on it.
Unknown:Yeah, we we they did majority of the work themselves we helped them a little bit and just kind of pointed the way for him and in I was it sucked to do it that way. But it was a great way to learn the car. I mean it they were up that cars but for a couple days really deep. And they learned everything about it.
Wyatt Pemberton:And I think that's where we went earlier like you go you buy a new car you have a new car built but you don't know anything about it even even the pros at the pro level when you have a new car if you didn't build the whole thing from scratch, like an Eric Miller would, you aren't going to know all the details. Right? You're gonna have to figure it out.
Unknown:Right. And that's where you know, Miller and slawson and I mean in Joe and frickin everybody that builds their own cars at Campbell's and everybody that's that's part of, you know, they have a little bit of a leg up on knowing their cars and how fast they can fix something or if they need to fix something where it is what's going on. You know, there's a whole different understanding of your car.
Wyatt Pemberton:freakin Absolutely. And those are the guys that we see my friend Jason shear, Jason knows his car inside out. He doesn't reach that much anymore. And he'll admit to that and he's admitted to that. He said I'm better off at the grill, cooking feeding everybody but he's kind of lying to to all of us because he is like he's in that car. He knows where every bolt is. He might not be the one turning the wrench on the bolt. But he's looking over the shoulder. That guy turned on the ranch. So he knows what's going on. Yeah, he knows the status will be interesting to see how he ends up coming out of Moab. that's a that's a pretty good size if S car could be running around on the trees. Hopefully it survives without too much damage him and Bailey.
Unknown:Just pull the old Gomez trick and pack a chainsaw.
Wyatt Pemberton:I heard that story last night. That's a great story. That was a girl
Unknown:that was the the monsoon here in Kentucky. Was that what it was her first Marco's I think was Marcos ran the car clean up a tree couldn't get it down at the end of the cut the tree down and then it was the next day they were putting chainsaws on all the cars
Wyatt Pemberton:and those guys have some damn chainsaws. I mean he mountain f enterprises right?
Unknown:Yeah, exactly. It's cars. I've ever seen wheeled chainsaw like that was frickin well two people Tom and Tom ways and tribes break and we're in China. They were going chainsaw happy on tires.
Wyatt Pemberton:Tom is a he's a chainsaw guy to man. You can borrow one around?
Unknown:hatchet chainsaw, whatever, it'll kill.
Wyatt Pemberton:Right? Yeah, that they're serious about their saws, man. Absolutely serious. So what's your what exactly is your role over at CBM? I don't know. What are you do? What do you do there?
Unknown:So with the 208 thing, when that was kind of coming down to an end or Russell trend and decide there, I started subcontract and flying down and tuning, you know, a week at a time or so for CBM
Wyatt Pemberton:that's what I thought I thought cuz I was like, man, I saw you with CBM stuff for a long time. And then it didn't seem to make sense. So this now makes sense.
Unknown:Yeah, no, it was, I think for them, it was more of a test out, you know, see if I actually knew my shit. Or if I was just foolish it one of the two. And it turned into more after that. Now, it's at the point where Chris and Bruce, the two owners are, you know, they're ready to look at starting to retire. And now let's work on the next phase. I mean, it's they want to keep it going. They don't want to just sell it and close the doors or do anything like that. Bruce has his sons and curses are all alone. So it, you know, I was brought in to see how I would fit into that equation, and thus far, it's starting to fit pretty well.
Wyatt Pemberton:So is there an opportunity for, you know, employee buyout, or equity buyout or anything? for you
Unknown:that scale that's still getting worked out? on if, if and how, but it? It's I think you're right on track on on what its gonna look like
Wyatt Pemberton:and you're interested in. They're interested? Yep. Yeah, yeah, that's a good start right there.
Unknown:Right, right. Well, that and you know, it, fresh mind comes in fresh ideas come in other things come in, you know, let's fix problem areas. Let's start looking at new things. Let's bring in different crowd and as far it's worked, and you know, a lot of the stuff we've tested is tested very well. And the stuff that hasn't has just went straight to the dumpster.
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, let's spend a little bit before I get too far away from it. So you're married. You've got a couple kids, how long you've been married? If you would ask
Unknown:me that when you know. I look to make sure she's not looking or listening through the glass over here because something will come flying and hit me in the back of the head. Shawna, right, Shawn? Yep. Yeah, we got together. And 13 years ago, I think now 1213 years. Yeah, keep looking. And we had no intention of getting married. And then we had Easton our son, and there was a decision to get married. So we both had equal writes in case something happened, just in case something happened to one of us or something happened somewhere along the way or whatever. We were just trying to make sure we were both covered. We got married nine years ago.
Wyatt Pemberton:There you go. And then you guys have a daughter too, right?
Unknown:Yep. Evie? YUI six. She's our little hellion that's our go fast kid right there. He he son likes to as well. I mean, he but he is the one so far with no fear. And you know, she's the one that will come up and just sakia and walk away laughing or come up and pay you while you're crying and whisper in your ear that everything's gonna be okay. As she's inflicting pain.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, that's the younger sibling right there. So that's the called the the rich man's family. Right that you get one of each kid you get it your boy and a girl. I don't know if that's real. But yeah, so my anniversary is tomorrow. And I had to be reminded of it earlier in the week when I
Unknown:send you a text in the morning when we too. shall remember that. But I sure as hell won't remember mine
Wyatt Pemberton:day after tax day was how I remember it. But they keep moving Tax Day. Right. So I've mentally it's sometime in May. I've mentally checked out. I'm not worried
Unknown:like deferred tax day or you know, we can confuse this up even more. Yeah,
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah, yeah. So this, so yes, I have a lunch tomorrow. And based on where I'm going for lunch in the side of town, I'm going to be on, I had to, you know, confirm with her like, Hey, we don't have something going on Friday that I got to be back and not have had beverages at lunch and be you know, rates go up three or four or five o'clock. But we didn't have an event. And her response to my asking about Friday was well, it's our anniversary. So yes. And I'm like, Oh, thanks for telling me. Like, I got plans, because I would have not. I was not in my my frame of thought there. 16 years, man. But but so you guys have been together patient. Oh, thank you. But you guys have been together nine that's well married nine but been together. 12 or 13. That's awesome. That's awesome. And my daughter's the same way. She's the crazy one. My wife has said that she's going to be the one that's going to be the one that wants to get in the race cars. And I have no doubt. No doubt your kids like going the hammers. They've never been
Unknown:that there's a story right there. We first year VMC we're running in it. I took my wife down. And she was eight months pregnant. Yeah, yeah. And it was cold, cold. I mean, it was I don't know how cold it was at night. And we were stupid. We took a tent and an air mattress and we froze our ass off. And somehow it didn't kill too many brain cells in my son's head. But man after that, she's like, I'm never going back out there. So we went for then we went for Thanksgiving, you know, at one year, and it wasn't so bad. Whilst our son and the night he took off running, you know how dark it gets out there. And just had the campers all together. And he was running circles around him and decided to run too big of a loop. And you know, there was trailers all around us. I think wyrick was the next one over and I mean, there was there was nobody around us to worry about but he ended up finding his way back. He just followed the light and I wasn't that hard. I learned his lesson that night though. cried a little mom cried a lot more.
Wyatt Pemberton:He lived in. She's okay now. My wife is okay. Never going to hammers and she will openly so I took her to have a Sue once and she was like yeah, this is where I know you're gonna bring me to the desert to kill me because it's so dry out here. I'm literally I'm like that care. You know, I'm like that actor at the end of Indiana Jones and the Last crusades, you know where he drinks the he drinks from the wrong chalice and he just turns to dust and falls into the dust of the ground. That is her description of what happens to her in the desert. She's like everything I have I'm just gonna turn it so I'll just be I'd read out all my skin's gonna flake off you know I'm no so she has no interest like so that's why you guys you're blessed you're blessed right you get Matt the hammers you get me and just me only. And I absolutely freakin love it. I love my wife. I love my kids. But I love the hands. I love ripping it out there. I love going to the fire until midnight. I love getting up early. I love these. The hammers are just amazing, but also hanging with all your friends. And if you've got your wife and your kids with you doing your own some some families that is their thing as well. My family is not that and I would have to entertain them as well and they would not be fun Havers Right,
Unknown:well no that entertaining portions hard. To me. It's just not the right time. Let me get a little older and I'll take them out and you know when they can understand everything better and want to be a part of it. Or you know, if we have a rig then or something then that they can actually go do something but right now it's just not right. Plus, I'm running all over the place. And that's not fair to them.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, you're busy guy out there. Yeah, I would see you. I mean, I think we talked about This one day you I think, I thought you said this, like your steps, you were like 30,000 steps. And it was not that late in the afternoon you'd been.
Unknown:It's crazy. Usually it's like 10 to 15 miles a day, just walking. And because you can't you can't drive around anywhere. You can't do anything like that. So slowly, just on your feet all day, and it never stops. Me get your bicycle. It means I have to learn how to ride it.
Wyatt Pemberton:Big Guy and a little bike.
Unknown:Yeah. Can't do a 50. He'll just tear the tube out of it. So that one's off the table.
Wyatt Pemberton:With what you've got going out there, you know, you moved to his area. Did you meet? You know, Shawna, out in California? Or do she Idaho and move with you? or?
Unknown:Yeah, I met her in Idaho. And then, man, we were only together a couple weeks. And I was commuting the Oregon for a TV production company. I was running a satellite uplink truck. And they wanted me to move down. So they offered me more money and full time position and a place to live and everything. And we had only been together a couple weeks. And I was like, Well, I'm moving. You can come along, or you can stay here and she came along and she's been with me ever since.
Wyatt Pemberton:What a great story. Maybe you might be like, this is a terrible story.
Unknown:I would have to ask her but it was only I mean, we weren't together long at all.
Wyatt Pemberton:I think it's a good story. I think she'll think it's a good story or she'll
Unknown:about her poor life choices.
Wyatt Pemberton:This poor girl she's we all we are already feel bad for like, oh, man, she's she's over there crocheting cats with her buttholes I mean,
Unknown:that's that's not the worst thing.
Wyatt Pemberton:God well, so you guys, now you guys are you know, you're in California kids, you're rocking it CBM we've talked about a little bit about not a lot a little bit. We've talked a lot about kind of what you're doing. But when it comes to like the the tune the engine tune the engine management systems on race cars being ultra for or drift cars, or even just a street driven vehicle in the importance of that. Who taught you that stuff? Like we're like, because I see these guys that doing? It seems like there's anyone with a laptop that can download for scan can can go at it, what separates you?
Unknown:Oh, man I did. I'm self taught. And what got me into it was necessity. And it the farm boy came out in me and I have to figure this out. And I have to figure a way out that works better. And I have to I you know, I just have to figure it out myself. And that's one thing I've always heard. You know, I remember growing up, I'd ask my dad for help. And the answer was always the same thing, which was, you're smart, you'll figure it out. And, well, it it's got me here. So he was right on that
Wyatt Pemberton:not without mistakes. Right? That's it goes back to what we talked earlier. trial and error, right. trial and error.
Unknown:Yeah, no, it was trial and error. And, you know, the biggest trial and error was I always knew the way something should run or the way it should sound or what it should do. And you know what, where the trial was which was figuring out what changes to make to do that in the management or in the computer or whatever, you know, and I've tuned a lot of carburetor eggs, and they're the same way you know, I'm at point A, how do I get to point B and then every rig is a different approach.
Wyatt Pemberton:So as you go through that, let's say let's say let's talk about some of the high level points that you need to be checking down on what are the bullet points like the fuel map you making sure that that looks right and what does that look like for I guess you got you've seen so many ultra for cars over so many different competition fields that you know about what you're looking at and what tell us about what that looks like or what it is that you're looking at?
Unknown:A lot of that it depends on the systems to you know it when I first started writing Yeah. into ultra for the first couple of seasons The only thing I did was log races i mean you know we have two cars Yes, but while cars were running, I would just log in log and log in log and then go home and look at everything and see who was drive and you could you know you can see how people are driving you can you can see it with their short shift and you can see if they're carrying it out you can see how they're landing you can see everything and that really took me to oh man you know if the cars running like this and this is what this driver is doing. How do I either convey to that driver This is where the error is or how do I fix it so that what they're doing will work because different people in different cars I tuned the rigs different based on who's driving
Wyatt Pemberton:and are we butterfly in the throttle are we stabbing it Are we always a lot
Unknown:of jobs a lot of guys are just on off there's nothing They're either wide open, or they're fully closed, there's a lot of guys that will set corners. And you know, Rob, Rob on and off the throttle 10 or 15 times and do things that way. And all of that gets set up different,
Wyatt Pemberton:I can see that I can absolutely see that. So you're tuning for, not necessarily, you know, wide open throttle bit, you're tuning for throttle chop, and you're tuning for, for peak power where they need it versus right.
Unknown:That's a thing right there is it doesn't always have to be peak power, what it has to be as clean power, you know, it has to be, it has to work, right? It can't delay or hesitate or bogged down or do anything like that. It it just has to be there when you need it. And you know that figuring out how to get to that point, you know, it's still I guess
Wyatt Pemberton:it's an art.
Unknown:people haven't figured it out. And I it, it really isn't that complex. Once you understand what's going on with the computer, I'm going on with the driver and the driver usually can give you more feedback than the computer can too. Because there's a lot of issues we'll find that I'll find by just talking to the guy in the car.
Wyatt Pemberton:And he knows like by I'm brought Mike Mills earlier, Mike Mills use this statement on me earlier in the week or not even two weeks ago now. He said his butt dyno. Yeah. But now now and I was like, I've never heard that before that. But yeah. Yeah, see the fans, right? See the pants. So see the pants, you feel the hesitation or that when you chop throttle, the thing stays open, or whatever that equals you. You get that and then that tells you where to go look. Right.
Unknown:Right. Yeah. And that, you know, and what another thing that will change it a lot too is even just converters, you know, a lot of guys don't think about that. They'll throw 40 505,000 stolen for short course. And then they'll come back two hammers and throw in a 3200. And the wild card loads up and x is completely different, especially if you're running some big monster motor, big cam and all of a sudden you put a small converter on it. Yeah, it's gonna be lazy, and it's not going to do what you think it's going to do.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, so I think in that's exactly those were man, you're checking down on all my questions here, which is perfect. We're means we're, we're unagi here, we're on the same wavelength. So yeah, for each course, right? Especially like, you know, short course, you're going to see the average RPM of all the drivers, if you take the field, it's going to be elevated compared to like, like maybe this weekend in Kentucky, I don't know what the course is gonna look like where you're gonna see a lot of low level crawling, low rpm crawling. And so that in itself itself truly affects how these transmissions are reacting, which is affecting what torque converter you should be running. You should be running you know, uh, you know, everyone's I assume everyone's running non lockups and or they should be anyway and and then you start moving as you move through the RPM range, you know, when they flash and when they don't flash what is some advice you have for some of those because I will tell you when i when i first built my iOS car, that was a struggle that I had was you know, you put a big boy howdy motor in it and you're turning, you know, just shut you know, upwards of 800 horsepower, and you came from 400 500 on a good day right? And you start going through transmissions it's kind of it's disheartening you go talk you know, I would talk to you talked about your guys that you would reach out to Yeah, I remember talking to Nick Nelson about converters and then make is like basically put the biggest damn thing that he owned that you fit in he he likes to eat like a 4500 and just leaves the thing wide open throttle all the time well, right my poles don't clean like Nick Nelson apparently, as I found out that
Unknown:that's that's part of your difference that was everybody likes the car setup different everybody likes the way you know differences and that's where you can't take approach to this as you know, one size fits all, you know, advice wise, man, you got to find your driving style, you know, that's the biggest thing and all the logging and everything from short course to a distance race or a like Kentucky course or something like that. I was only seeing like a 500 or 600 RPM difference in usage. That was it. You know, guys aren't really beating the hell out of these cars like they think they are on the short course. And they're starting to now that everybody's going faster, things have changed again. But in the beginning it was not beginning for me when I really got into it. There wasn't huge huge difference but you know, there wasn't many guys also run in freakin 40 $500.05 grands doll and there wasn't a bunch of guys running a true 800 horse
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, that's exactly what I remember breaking that 700 mark and it was kind of like wow, what are you doing like Are you retarded And my answer to that was king of the hammers which back car never ranking hammers you know I didn't really build it for that but we can all I guess associate with King hammers. I'm you King hammers. That's 10,000 drag races. For that is on drag race. From this rock to that rock from that trail to the next trail, it's just a drag race after drag race after drag race after drag race. And it's hard, right? It's it's hard to build a car to do all that that can operate well and make good torque at low end, where you're idling over rocks or you're in a slightly elevated throttle position over rocks. Versus you're rolling across Emerson dry lake. You're wide open throttle push on 130.
Unknown:It like Randy this year, that's one of our engines. And it's 630 640 horse it's a stock LS three headed for 27 stroker. Nothing special and he wanted it less power than we gave him on the last car during the what? Yeah, the one I built him on the last car, which was I think that thing was a little over 700 and a break everything. And that you know, and I know he went through his spell a rear ends and whatever the BS went behind that. But when we did the other ends and he was breaking more than now he's Branca transfer cases and CTMS and frickin axle shafts. And I mean, it was just he was breaking everything. It didn't work with his the way he was driving. So now we took a lot of it away, which that car still stupid fast, but it's not as violent. And you have to find that you have to find what works for you. I mean, it's not a, you know, one engine approach. It's not a Hey, let's build what, you know, we built those freakin 490s now, and those things are animals, but we put that in a little light light car, and you're not going to do anything but bright crap.
Wyatt Pemberton:And you're spat which that's a I'm really, really glad you brought that up about Randy. You know, to finish first, you must first finish. And if that means truly dialing it back. This is the first time of I think I've had a conversation where he once talked about the progression where we've progressed to a point that actually we need to regress back away and go back to revert back to things that have worked. I'm not saying we go back to trail wheeling on 30 ones. But there's a point in there that maybe works you're doing wrong. I don't think there's any replacement for horsepower on a short course like like a Crandon. But a km h obviously we just saw, you know, Randy finished. I know he had he had trouble with tundra rear ends was that a year ago, two years ago, I remember he was messing around with like Toyotas, third dropouts,
Unknown:I think that was a different car. It was always been 10 inch. But no it you know, and on another note, you know, another thing we're working on right now is the force induction on ultra for and we have a car coming up that is going to be torque managed, forcing, you know, supercharged so it's not. You can adjust the pedal, you can adjust how it puts out torque you can adjust everything based on where you're racing and how you're racing, and what fuel you put in it. You know, and we're gonna range that thing anywhere from 700 to 1000 horse depending on push up a button.
Wyatt Pemberton:So it will basically you can like we've talked about like, with like Wayne is resourceful about adjustability to shocks on the fly. Yep, you can adjust the tune on the fly. Would that be something that that you would do? Flip the low range flip to low horsepower, all torque at the bottom of a rock trail? And then when you pop out flip the flip the tune? Is that is that what you're talking about?
Unknown:Yeah, basically like it because everything's gonna be drugged by wire. And with what we can do with that now is you know, I can control response and everything else without having to D rate a motor, you know, you just slow down the pull the blade or you slow down the pedal input or you slow down anything, you know, you can get to the rocks and hit a button. And you know, the first half of pedal travel is dumbed down. But then if you need to get out of a jam, you just smash it and all of its there. Yeah, it depends on how you look at it. That's cool. I'm
Wyatt Pemberton:seeing other implications there. I see you know, that's going to change a fuel consumption that's going to change pitstops that's going to change strategy. Like when that's gone, all right,
Unknown:what else you
Wyatt Pemberton:got up your sleeve?
Unknown:Our biggest hurdle right now is airflow. You know, we're we're building engines that are exceeding the packaging of cars. And we're building engines that are exceeding you know, like a fast intake, we outflow those with na pump gas for 20 seconds, like we'll make vacuum wide open. And that just leaves power on the table with these engines and the new engines are really really restricted. And those are,
Wyatt Pemberton:are you still buying LS motors are you moving up to Gen five stuff.
Unknown:Now these are LS, the gen five is going to be the blower motor. Okay, that that one, literally what the end goal on that blower setup is guys can go to GM and they can buy a$17,000 crate engine, they can do a couple little things to it. And then the management comes from us and they can Have a badass frickin pump gas desert machine, they can run on 91 you know, 100 f gas or whatever low lead or you can step up for short course there's some kind of ethanol in it and just have a frickin monster.
Wyatt Pemberton:And so what do you think you're going to get out of? Those are six two's? Yeah, yeah. And then what do you think a motor like that will end up making
Unknown:desert, we're gonna leave them pretty conservative probably like 700. And then for short course, sky's the limit just pens on fuel. You know, if we're setting the fuel up, right, and the fuel system and everything up, right? I wouldn't be surprised to see 900 to 1000 out of them.
Wyatt Pemberton:That is fun.
Unknown:But progressive. See, that's that. And that's where things are gonna change. It's not going to be an instant thing. It's going to be a, let's figure out what works with the car hooking up and doing things and then bring the power on after you already have traction, or you're already doing something. versus just leaving it all on Apollo River. Just Yep, burn and burn in a trench out trying to get off the start line. Yep. Hi.
Wyatt Pemberton:I like that where you guys are taking technology and embracing technology and moving the ball forward at a rate that's, I guess, it gets us out of our own brains, right? Our own brain is to start lines, mash it right. And right. So do you see, I read them when you take the devil's advocate here that even bad drivers are going to start getting faster? No,
Unknown:I don't. Because mistakes are still going to happen. They're only going to happen twice as fast when you have twice as much power and once it hits it's no matter what it's bad drivers are going to be bad drivers. You can't I know you can take an upgrade cards. You can put people in better cars, you can do things they'll get marginally better, but at the end of the day, if they're bad, they're still bad.
Wyatt Pemberton:First of the scene of the accident. Yep. I love it. So today your knee fully revealed your you know 15 you know what are your 12 years on it?
Unknown:Now I'm nine years on it turned 40 this last weekend?
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, happy birthday. Boy. I wish I would have known that. I would have told you Happy Birthday a week ago versus me box addicts or something. glitter. They were being glitter decks.
Unknown:So Colin did that wrong. McGee. Wrong. What's his last name? The Khodro with Miller?
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, yeah, wrong. Yeah, he
Unknown:figured out the internet smartass thing a couple years ago and I got a box of dummy gummy dicks out of him.
Wyatt Pemberton:Somebody somebody brought a package of the gummy Dixon them office today. Today about another co worker gotten delivered to him and he was showing them off and they came to make sure I saw them and I was like, I didn't see him. That's funny. I are those are those like, THC? Yeah. Are those gummy digs? Like are those real? They're like no, they were just normal. Normal gummy that
Unknown:non major we gift them but then we moved in now I can't find them.
Wyatt Pemberton:They make more every day. I
Unknown:mean, I gotta actually give a shit enough to buy on.
Wyatt Pemberton:There Sean is a Josh What is this? Visa charge for gummy penises?
Unknown:They would go right along with her koozies
Wyatt Pemberton:Oh, shoot. Yeah, so that's it. She stitches some of those up. I bet that's a thought seller,
Unknown:though. She's got one that we named the Caitlyn Jenner because it's both. Oh, wow. Got boobs and the other part. And Texas. Jesus ended up with that one, which is quite fitting.
Wyatt Pemberton:I see Matt Dallas having that.
Unknown:Yeah. Fellas haven't felt double fellas.
Wyatt Pemberton:He is such a good dude. All right, man. You've got some crazy stories and we're gonna go into some crazy stories. You I can't even I can't even so there was a story that floating around about Randy slawson. We've talked about slawson here a little bit that, uh, that he pissed on you. But I don't know the story.
Unknown:Yeah, hold on, Kelly. He enjoyed that a little way too much. I think that was hammers. Four years ago or so five years ago. It was one of the wrecked rear end frickin he's left to and the rear end blows up and he's out eating a sandwich. He's done with the race and I was like, Nah, man, we're changing this rear end because I was helping him at the time. And so we got under the car and change the rear end out and it was he had a low pinion and it put a high pinion in it and he went and ran some more rocks and came back in and the drive shaft was rubbing the yolks were rubbing. So I got under the car to grind him out and just clearance it and he decided just to take a piss while I was under the car. You know, I mean, he couldn't have done it any other time. You had to wait all that land right underneath him. just begging for a golden shower.
Wyatt Pemberton:I guess he's just sitting in the driver's seat is letting it run out the cap of the race cap and the yautja
Unknown:you Yeah he did. That's one of the worst showers I ever had that's for sure.
Wyatt Pemberton:I've always heard the stories about you know the the rookie or the newbie on a pit crew the car comes in it's hot air when you know they're feeling it I was looking for leaks and and of course a week shows up underneath the driver's floor that passengers floor code on the floor and the newbie jumps down there and like of course shoves a finger in it then touches it to their mouth like once know if it's motor oil or what is it is like, it's salty.
Unknown:Why didn't taste it, but I know for sure he wasn't pissing excellence that year.
Wyatt Pemberton:slawson Lawson's got a wow, he's got any more run between doughnuts and pissing on people. The
Unknown:he's a good one, though. He's actually I got to give credit to him. He, uh, he was the first one to give me a chance at redoing the program and TuneIn and motors. And I mean, it took off from there. And I, you know, it wouldn't have happened the way it happened. If that hadn't happened. I don't know. You know, I really don't know he. When he moved up to gardnerville. I know he was looking for somebody to wire the cars. And I just literally, I've never met him before in my life. I like cold text him on frickin messenger on Facebook and turned into me help him.
Wyatt Pemberton:And the rest is history.
Unknown:The rest is history.
Wyatt Pemberton:So you do a lot of that. I mean, when it comes to you know, we talk about CBM. We've done just a lot of talking about just the tune tune work and what you do there, but you do you guys do a lot of other stuff.
Unknown:Yeah, we do. I've always done full chassis wiring CBM has always done it. And then when I came in there, we really changed it up, you know, took everything to a higher quality. And it's still something that we do. And is it worth it? Yes. And no, it's one of those things that it's still kind of on the fence on what do we proceed with, you know, and my most important thing right now is just engine development, and just durability development and keeping up with, you know, just things that are going to last and live in, you know, we don't have to worry about at all.
Wyatt Pemberton:I didn't like when you know, shopping for wiring and how expensive that was really gonna be like to do a really good job that allows you, you know, WeatherTech or milspec connectors and making this thing to where it's serviceable. It doesn't chafe. You can prep the car and take things out without having to de wire the whole car things along those lines. Right. And then you even back then, and, you know, the first kind of, I guess, insight I had to that was just seeing the stuff that was coming out of the Campbell shop, you know, the back of their dashes and how, you know, they're like, their airline or airplane wired. Like there's, you're just beautifully done. And in order. I'm like, wow, that's actually done. Wow. Smitty.
Unknown:Gerald. Gerald is a badass Gerald is he's one of the guys that I you know, I never knew him before and then started helping the Campbells out. And I can say he's pretty good friend now. And we've, you know, I've learned a lot from him. And he's pulled some tooling in and stuff that we had at the shop, he came out one time after he wired the car, that UFO car, and we were just behind and couldn't do it. And they went to him. And there was a couple little things that he needed to work on. And he literally came out on Saturday, and I was there tuning on other cars and this opened the shop up and he came out and helped. And it was it was awesome. I mean to to have somebody actually care like that. You know it. That's the people who aren't helping.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, I've heard that now. I'm not reading but I've heard that that he is this ladies race family. Right? That is good stuff. Is that something that you like though you because I know like when when the builds go on? It's like the last 10% of the car takes 90% of the time which the wiring plumbing is in there? Is that something you enjoy? Because I know a lot of people that they do it but they absolutely freakin hate it.
Unknown:I enjoy it if it's not dropped on me the week before hammers. And then that's when I really hate it. Because it's it's nonstop and grueling and if you mess up, you're going to ruin somebody's day on it. You know and that that that goes back to our saying it's just we get so busy in prep that there's a lot of cars that get finished late, you know, it just that and that's the majority of our being behind it's not that we're behind it's that we're trying to accommodate everything in every car getting done is the best we can and it it you know, I'll sacrifice two months to do it. problem with that
Wyatt Pemberton:so you It takes mental prep, but then it also takes a you know undivided attention because I can see that if you're trying to multitask. Yeah, you're you're gonna wire the fans to the clutch or something, right? Yes.
Unknown:No, no, it's not that bad. It takes a lot of attention and the attention is the hardest part. And usually if we get behind or if I have to wire a car, I won't schedule anything else or I'll do it on my days off because then Nobody messes with me. All
Wyatt Pemberton:those are the days like even my wife says, like it's the Saturday or the Friday when you know like, it's like Good Friday and nobody's working. No one's in office, but you work from that you actually are productive and you get stuff done because you're not being your attention isn't being pulled away from the work product that you have set in front of you. Absolutely. I see why Saturday would be amazing. It's when they start making the Saturday as a work day and then everyone's there. And it's just another day that you're running 70% productivity and yeah,
Unknown:we usually we don't do that with with everybody. You know, we'll pull in some key guys if they need to work on the weekend, but we're not going to work everybody on Saturday. And it right before hammers they reworked a bunch of stuff and JP Gomez's car, so I think, Oh man, it was Christmas Eve, I flew up. I think I came home Christmas Eve, I flew up measured the car flew back down and then built everything and shipped it up. And then Jason Lafon, you know, terminated stuff on the chassis side, or did some other stuff that he had to do. But that was full frickin PDM display. You know, really cm, it was not a little quickie wiring job.
Wyatt Pemberton:So you do a lot of work for the Gomez brothers. What do you think of them? I mean, what about the operations? They're awesome.
Unknown:I love the Gomez brothers. I mean, they're, they're easy to work for, you know it with them. You know, you just have to understand that racing isn't full time, and the cars aren't full time. So if you need to talk to them or explain things to them that you know, you just make sure you explain it clearly, you know, not just assume that they'll understand everything you say,
Wyatt Pemberton:because they're there they are, mentally they are focused on that race car when they're around the race car, but there's it is a fraction of the of their life. Right?
Unknown:Yeah, no, there's no, there's no dollar value to that race car. I mean, you know, it's it's, their dollar value is to mountain F. And you know, and that's, that's their life, you know, racing is. I wish I was at that point where racing could be fun and a relief and or release and go do it. Because you want to go do something fun.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, well, we'll get there. We'll get our problem now. I can't promise you But uh, but that's the goal, right? Yeah, that's, that's always the goal, to live and breathe it live and breathe. I couldn't walk away. I mean, I walked away and realized, All my friends are still doing this.
Unknown:I'm not very good at making friends. So I better better stick to stick to the group I had, even if they're terrible, you me both. That's why you know it. I erased the two years there and are at EMC two years in a row. And once I started working, I really have no desire to want to race and really screw everybody over by trying to get in a race car. Because then I focus on myself, you know, and with us helping so many people. How do you how do you help people and focus on yourself?
Wyatt Pemberton:You leave easter eggs and all their tunes. The works. Oh, man. So you got a funny story about Pamela Anderson?
Unknown:Oh, yeah, yeah, well, I mean it you know, how many guys out there trumped of feeling or up or doing things and one of the things that you know, we when I was doing the TV stuff, we subcontracted all the networks and everything and she was in Vegas doing the magic show with Hans Klok who she was always joking hauling calling pawns caulk and so the the two or three days we were doing everything with her I was the one that was got the mic or up so and it was three o'clock in the morning and no makeup and you know, a T shirt on and that's it. So you just kind of bounce your hand up a shirt and hopefully you hit the right thing.
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, that's pretty anticlimactic. I mean, I was really hoping for more out of this story ever that you would sell it more I mean,
Unknown:I sell it but man how much there was to sell it was it was you know, a little bit leather bound at that point. Oh, so this wasn't that long.
Wyatt Pemberton:All right. Well, yeah. A diamond in the rough on a story. I was like, ma'am, Pamela Anderson. I mean, yeah, I mean, way back when but you're Yeah, okay. You're probably right. And then. So yeah, you were doing stuff in Vegas. And you run around with I think you did some stuff with you're traveling with the the mccain campaign when he was running as a mama.
Unknown:Yeah, when he ran against Obama, we're doing the private uplink on the Republican side. So I had a little, like 1.2 meter dish that flew around and we handled all the pool up blank when he would. When he was on campaign, that little thing went with me everywhere. That little 1.2 I mean, we did that with McCain. I went to South point Hawaii with the weather channel, Jim cantori. Waiting for Flossie to hit. So we're literally on South point Hawaii with this friggin 1.2 meter diff set up and they're doing live shots and I'm stacking rocks trying to keep this thing from blowing over and all the Islanders are party in just telling us we're retarded. There's no hurricane that's gonna hit and sure enough and never hit. A bunch of earthquakes did but no hurricane
Wyatt Pemberton:in so you've got you know crazy awesome stories like that. You probably won't To download Campbell out there and you didn't even know that you probably cross paths with them
Unknown:probably probably not you know i don't know i don't know when too many strip clubs or you know I don't know if he was trying to cut his toes off with pressure washer then to as he is now but
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah he's always in flip flops though I saw him at hammers in Boots I've seen him wearing like cowboy boots for well
Unknown:go from flip flops to Callaway boots were they like the super pointy long ones I mean it definitely declared his status
Wyatt Pemberton:now he could have definitely passed for for you know they were good they were you know the straight nose you know stem nose or whatever you want to call them walked off whatever whatever I where I looked I was like man those are good like, I really think he was in like Amarillo and saw a bomb and storm off of bums feet and like Amarillo like that's probably where they came
Unknown:from. I could see him sizing up laying down next to him and seeing if they're the right size. Yeah, and then steal him. You replace.
Wyatt Pemberton:Your setup reminds me of his wasn't the you know, him talking to me about you know, his wife sells a bunch of scrubs and lubes and nature products. And so I don't know if you've had this conversation with him but based on the background, everything that Shawna has at your place with just shelves and shelves of a beauty products. You and Dan Lloyd Campbell have a lot in common there. Yeah, we
Unknown:we we definitely laugh at each other every time we walk by each other. That's for sure you smell good.
Wyatt Pemberton:You have the best skin and ultra for both of you. Yep. soft hands. Well,
Unknown:you know, soft hands comes with keyboard fingers so you can't you can't be a working man and have soft hands you have to just not use them I guess
Wyatt Pemberton:yeah, there you go. And long fingernails. Oh, yes.
Unknown:Just one man
Wyatt Pemberton:Josh I'm so glad you came on I I know when we first met you years ago and then online your online persona and and you have you definitely I've heard stories of rubbing the wrong people or rubbing the right people who ever the wrong way. And and then once I got to know you I'm like man this this guy's frickin hilarious. It was it was some issue it was maybe it was Doug's axles. I'm gonna I'm gonna say I bet it was Doug's axles bill. Yeah, it was Phil and it was like the best mean would get a T shirt or something. And you rattled off. I don't know. 100 Doug's actual memes and they were absolutely off the wall. Hilarious like I should have actually probably saved some of those. Yes, and I didn't win the vote. I mean Well, that was rigged to begin with.
Unknown:I mean, oh, yeah. That was rigged to begin with. But no, it you know, we all have to have a release somewhere and it I joke in person too. And I don't I don't know if people take it the wrong way or what but it's my smart ass doesn't change from online to in person. That's for sure.
Wyatt Pemberton:Yeah, you got me in Oklahoma. at Nationals. Last year you were sitting up on top of one of the chase trucks was a Dave's it was somebody. Yeah, you're up on top of this Chase. Are you sitting up on the rack? And I'm we're strolling by I don't even remember what you said to me. But it was something so inappropriate. All I can do is start laughing. You turn and just climb up the truck and sit down next to you and hug you because I didn't even know you were there. And you just rolled something off, like
Intro/Outro:falls out?
Unknown:I mean it I don't know. I do. I know. I've got pretty quick with jokes and one liners and coming back and but it I don't know, shit just balls in my mouth sometimes. And I don't know if I'm conscious know what I'm saying? Or not? Or, or if it's just, you know, like some inner demons that need some exercise in or something.
Wyatt Pemberton:Right. Well, man, I'm glad. I'm glad to know you. I'm glad. I'm glad you agreed to come on the talent tank and let's share your story. And like you said, a lot of people have certainly seen your name on Facebook, they've seen conversations with you. But you do you seem to keep a pretty low profile Unless, you know you need a tune and and then people know who kind of the people that know know, they know who to go for and track you down. But a lot of people don't I want to you know, kind of your other because I said it was like you know i the tie that binds in the beginning like this common thread. But you've turned into be this guy that is put a lot of you know, it is it's your suspension tuning, it's the right tire, just the right equipment. But if you can't overlook that your engine management and you can't overlook, like wiring and some of those details, but you've made you know, as you've rebranded yourself, you've gone through multiple iterations or multiple inflection points in your life and found what's next and you've continued to, you're smart guys, so you've continued to evolve. You've continued to find ways to be better continue to find ways to help people and I continue to find ways to put money on the table and on my hotel food on the table, make money, put food on the table, right? I'll get something right at this point. But yeah, in this iteration of your life, I'm excited to see what where this takes you and what your next thing is, I'm glad to call your friend and all that. But thank you for coming on, man.
Unknown:That Thank you very much. I mean, we're, I I'm excited. This is, you know, one of the, I don't know, it's been a long time since I've really looked forward to what's to come, you know, it, working on my own and things kind of not really going south, just I mean, it, it was constant, just non stop, work, work, work, hard work. And now, you know, being able to take a weekend and play with the family and do things and it, we're finally hitting a stride where things feel right. And it, you know, it's really changed me too. It's, it's changed, my personality has changed the way I deal with people change the way I interact with people and it, you know, I'm thankful for the opportunity to get this far and see where it goes. Well, I
Wyatt Pemberton:think you nailed it right there, we lose sight of the prize when we're working, you know, six days, seven days a week, and that's what happens, you know, leading up to K wage, I can't tell you how many fights happen in my house. I know they happen in all the other ultra four houses leading up to km h are leading up to pretty much any race, when you're spinning your dedicated, you know, the car, the shop gets more time dedicated than the family and, and then plus, you know, if you have a day job or another job, you know, whatever that is, if you're not a full time racer, that's, or you can afford a prep crew. Yeah, you lose, you lose sight of the prize. I mean, what's really important at the end of the day, it's your wife, it's your kids. It's your quality of life. And sometimes we'll we'll burn a candle at both ends so hard that we're beat up right up. And by the time we finally leave for the race, the car, maybe you're ready, but mentally, mentally and physically. You're, you're done. I mean, and then you go get in the car, at least US East Coast racers, we get in the car and then drive, you know, get in the truck or whatever and drive 2024 hours to the west coast and then just be just show up at the start line already handicapped. I mean, it's just, there's a lot, there's a lot there, from a mental standpoint, from a physical endurance standpoint that I think you hit it right if you if you I mean, you weren't racing, but I saw I mean, I saw what you did during the seven to 10 days, just out the hammers, you were walking 15 miles a day, on a different car on a different car on a different car, and it's just a constant demand. And that just wears at you.
Unknown:Right, you know, things really changed getting down here leading up to hammers it uh, not leading up to hammers leading up to moving hammers used to be like almost a six week adventure for me. I mean, I would go on the road, we still live in Idaho, I would go on the road. And first go finish wiring on cars, or go wire cars or go help people and then finally end up at hammers been hammers for two weeks. But the month leading up, I wasn't even home, I was already out working. And now this year is the first year and nine years I've actually been home for my wife's birthday, which is February 6, which is so how you know it. I actually left race day and came home because there's there was at that point, there was nothing I could do. And now we're 45 minutes from there. I Mazal go home,
Wyatt Pemberton:and a live show is just that good. All right. I'm not telling everyone to leave the lake bed. But the live show is good. I mean, I I was already on race day,
Unknown:but we watched it from the hot tub
Wyatt Pemberton:with beers, did you send me a picture of you drinking beer in the hot tub in Salt Lake?
Unknown:I think you I think you did. You might have never I would never ever do that ever.
Wyatt Pemberton:Oh, man. Well, I said I said it already, Josh. But thank you again for coming on. We cover all the bases that you wanted to wanted to cover. I know we could do the same interview again tomorrow would be completely different. But
Unknown:yeah, no, it's I think we're pretty much good to go. Awesome.
Wyatt Pemberton:Well, thanks for coming on everybody. Josh West CBM. Man, awesome. If you're looking for a job and interested in moving to Hesperia, he's your guy.
Unknown:We're open we got we need help. I mean we you know if you can work for free, that's even a bonus for us. In six
Wyatt Pemberton:weeks straight leading up to the hammers nights. It's not that bad. But a pays good and is in California where the weather's great. And you're close to 45 minutes for our hammers.
Unknown:I get a chance to work with a lot of rigs, a lot of high horsepower, sand cars, race cars. I mean, it's a whole different world.
Wyatt Pemberton:And you're leaving out the biggest part you get to work for me. Right?
Unknown:Yeah, right def itself. I don't know if that's a positive or negative or what that is at this point,
Wyatt Pemberton:man. Well, Josh, thanks for coming on. Thanks for agreeing to come on the town. Thank you, everybody. Josh West CB Motorsports. Man. If you guys are looking for tunes for your engines, get your engine management up to speed. I know sounds like a commercial but I've just seen it so many times. You know, we told the kid Rod story, the very beginning of the show. And it was just heartbreaking when I found out that that was kind of what that was something that had fallen through the cracks and I've seen it time and time again. It Oh boy, Josh here. All right. On that note, Josh, thanks for coming. There. We are out.
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